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PhD position in History of the Islamic Indian Ocean World-University of Bergen

Δημοσίευση: 08-03-2023 20:21 | Προβολές: 725

The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural and Religious Studies invites applicants for a PhD position in the history of the Islamic Indian Ocean World, commencing August 1st, 2023, or as agreed. This position is for a fixed-term period of four years.

The successful applicant will join the research group Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the Department.


  • The applicant must hold a Norwegian master’s degree or the equivalent foreign degree in history, anthropology, Islamic studies, Arabic studies, the study of religions, or a comparable discipline.  It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded at the time of application. Applicants who document a foreign degree will be evaluated according to the regulations of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) and The Faculty of Humanities’ PhD Program plan.
  • The applicant must be able to work independently, in a well-structured way and have good cooperation skills.
  • The applicant must be proficient in both written and oral English. 

Applicants must submit a proposal for a research project that will result in a doctoral dissertation. 

Applicants will be evaluated according to admission requirements in The Faculty of Humanities PhD Program pt. 2.1.

In assessing the applications, the academic quality and feasibility of the proposed PhD project and the academic qualifications of the candidate will be considered. Further emphasis is also placed on strategic considerations, motivation, and the applicant's personal eligibility. The candidate is expected to have sufficient skills in relevant non-European languages to conduct the research project. Knowledge of Arabic is an advantage.

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