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Visit of a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, to the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage

Posted: 13-12-2023 01:18 | Views: 3197

As a follow-up to the collaboration with the UNESCO Chair’s steering committee member Prof. Elena Avramidou, a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, visited the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage on 11-12th December 2023. The discussions between the UNESCO Chair holder Professor Stavros Katsios and the SDUT delegation intended to consolidate the partnership of the two institutions and to elaborate on the possibility of extending the collaboration in new fields of research and academic synergies. Particularly, it has been addressed the possibility of establishing joint Master and Doctoral Programs and of engaging Chinese students to English speaking academic programs of the Departments of the Ionian University as well as attending the summer schools organized by the Ionian University’s Departments.  


In that context the two Universities agreed upon and signed a MoU laying the foundation for the different programs that could be implemented. A cooperation action plan has been also layed down. The delegation of SDUT comprised of Professor SU Shoubo, Vice President of SDUT, and other three faculty members. 

Ionian University
Ionian University
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