Library and Information Centre
Ionian University
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Membership Card

Library Membership Card Application Form

* Required Fields

Your last name with capital letters
Your first name with capital letters



City, street, number, postal code

City, street, number, postal code









e.g. Teacher at the 1st High School of Corfu


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* Fill in the code as it appears in the image

Members of the academic community

All members of the academic community of the I.U. are automatically members of the Library, with the right to use its material and without any obligation to pay any subscription fee.

Members of the Library are necessarily provided with a membership card, which is issued by the Library upon request via the above "Library Membership Card Application Form". The academic ID card (pass) is used as a membership card, once activated by the Library.

For more information: Circulation Desk, 2661087323, 2661087327,

External users

In special cases, external users can apply to the Library, also through the above "Library Membership Card Application Form", to be accepted as members of the Library. A prerequisite: permanent residence in Corfu.

For further information: Ms. Teti Kotsi, 2661087323, 2661087340,

Updated: 11-10-2023
Ionian University
Ionian University
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