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UNESCO Courier, Issue March 2022 - Translation: From one world to the other
Posted: 10-04-2022 01:52 | Views: 5227
Start: 10-04-2022 |End: 30-04-2022
What does it really mean to translate? Translation is often the essential prerequisite for accessing a universal, multiple, diverse culture. In our latest issue, we explore what this really entails.
Calling all university professors to participate in a survey on work engagement and burnout during COVID-19
Posted: 05-04-2022 23:08 | Views: 6204
Start: 05-04-2022 |End: 08-04-2022
 We are forwarding an invitation of UNESCO to the university professors worldwide Are you a university professor? If so, this survey is for you. Life for university professors can be tough, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Engagement and burnout levels in work teams relate to their effectiveness and performance, as they impact the amount of effort that people put (...)
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: March 2022
Posted: 04-04-2022 10:44 | Views: 13562
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Academic Calendar 2021-2022
Posted: 28-04-2021 16:25 | Updated: 11-03-2022 16:01 | Views: 31094
Start: 01-09-2021 |End: 31-08-2022
The academic calendar for the year 2021-2022 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: February 2022
Posted: 03-03-2022 12:09 | Views: 11138
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: January 2022
Posted: 02-02-2022 11:56 | Views: 12262
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the first monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers for 2022, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Open Access in Greece: researchers' perceptions
Posted: 24-01-2022 09:14 | Views: 11538
Ebooks acuisitions
Posted: 12-01-2022 13:15 | Views: 10670
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Ionian University
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