Clavier: a magazine for pianists. (Vol.44, no.9)
Ethnomusicology Forum (Vol.14, no.2)
Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments: Newsletter (no.13)
History of philosophy quarterly (Vol.22, no.4)
Jazz journal international (Vol.58, no.12)
Jazzman (no.119)
Journlal of the audio engineering society (Vol.53, no.10)
MacUser (Vol.21, nos.23,24)
Music teacher (Vol.84, no.12)
Musurgia (Vol.XII, no.1-2)
The Organ (No.334)
Psychology of music (Vol.33, no.4)
Teaching music (Vol.92, no.2)
The Strad (Nos.1372, 1373, 1376, 1377)
The double reed (Vol.28, no.3)
Jazz & Τζαζ (nos.152, 153)