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Δημοσίευση: 08-01-2010 09:26 | Προβολές: 1050



1. Analytical methods of electroacoustic music / Mary Simoni (ed.)
2. The mathematical theory of tone systems / Jan Haluska
3. The creative mind : myths and mechanisms / Margaret A. Boden
4. Mozart, piano concertos No.20 in D minor, K.466, and No.21 in C major, K.467 / David Grayson
5. Liszt Sonata in B minor / Kenneth Hamilton
6. Chopin the four ballades / Jim Samson
7. Chopin the piano concertos / John Rink
8. The great transformation of musical taste : concert programming from Haydn to Brahms
9. Three modes of perception in Mozart : the philosophical, pastoral and comic in Cosi fan tutte / Edmund J. Goehring
10. Poetry and the Romantic musical aesthetic / James H. Donelan
11. The invention of “Folk music” and “Art music” : emerging categories from Ossian to Wagner / Matthew Gelbart
12. Schumann, Fantasie, Op.17 / Micholas Marston
13. The new Grove guide to Mozart and his operas / Julian Rushton
14. The new Grove guide to Verdi and his opera / Roger Parker
15. Strange sounds : music, technology and culture / Timothy D. Taylor
16. Music 3-5 / Susan Young
17. The science and psychology of music performance : creative strategies for teaching and learning / Parncutt Richard, McPherson Gary E. (ed.)
18. Eight centuries of troubadours and trouveres : the changing identity of Medieval music / John Haines
19. Music, brain development and learning / MENC
20. Music activities in early childhood / John M. Feirabend (comp.)
21. Composition in the classroom : a tool for teaching / Jackie Wiggins
22. Μουσική και διαθεματικότητα : η μουσική στα μη μουσικά σχολικά εγχειρίδια του δημοτικού σχολείου . Στυλιανή Καψάλη
23. Wagner and the art of the theatre / Patrick Carnegy
24. Emmanuel Feurmann / Annette Morreau
25. The philosophy of philosophy / Timothy Williamson
26. The study of counterpoint from Johann Joseph Fuxʼs Gradus and Parnassum / Alfred Mann (ed.)
27. Ancient music adapted to modern practice / Nicola Vicentino
28. On opera / Bernard Williams
29. Messiaen / Peter Hill and Nigel Simeone
30. Composers in the movies : studies in musical biography / John C. Tibbetts
31. A Brahms reader / Michael Musgrave
32. Stravinsky and Balanchine : a journey of invention / Charles M. Joseph
33. Monteverdiʼs musical theatre / Tim Cartet
34. The songs of Johannes Brahms / Eric Sams
35. The language of the classical French organ : a musical tradition before 1800 / Fenner Douglas
36. Black women and music : more than blues / Eileen M. Hayes, Linda F. Williams (eds.)
37. The music of Bela Bartok : a study of tonality and progression in 20th century music / Elliott Antokoletz
38. An introduction to Gregorian chant / Richard L. Crocker
39. The dialogic imagination : four essays / M.M. Bakhtin
40. The century of Bach and Mozart : perspectives on historiography, composition, theory, and performance / Sean Gallagher, Thomas Forrest Kelly (eds.)
41. Arnold Schoenbergʼs journey / Allen Shawn
42. Remembering the future / Luciano Berio
43. Bach and the patterns of invention / Laurence Dreyfus
44. Bartok for piano / David Yeomans
45. Oboe reed styles : theory and practice / David A. Ledet
46. This is pop : in search the elusive at Experience Music Project / Eric Weisbard (ed.)
47. Swing changes : big-band jazz in new deal America / David W. Stowe
48. Three centuries of harpsichord making / Frank Hubbard
49. Andrew Lloyd Webber / John Snelson
50. Empiricism and the philosophy of mind / Wilfrid Sellars
51. Intention / G.E.M. Anscombe
52. Αστερούσια : μουσικές φωτογραφίες / Σάββας Πετράκης
53. The Kingʼs Theatre collection : ballet and Italian opera in London 1706-1883 from the John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward collection, Harvard Theatre collection / Morris S. Levy, John Milton Ward
54. The pianistʼs guide to pedalling / Joseph Banowetz
55. Voicing gender : castrati, travesty, and the second woman in early 19th century Italian opera / Naomi Andre
56. Musical meaning in Beethoven : markedness, correlation, and interpretation / Robert S. Hatten
57. Η παραδοσιακή μας μουσική. Τ.2. Οι μεταγραφές της Μεγάλης Δοξολογίας του Μελχισεδέκ και άλλα κείμενα / Μάρκος Φ. Δραγούμης
58. Berlioz / D. Kern Holoman
59. Analytical studies in world music / Michael Tenzer (ed.)
60. Music in the school / Janet Mills
61. The Oxford handbook of music psychology / Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut (eds.)
62. After the golden age : romantic pianism and modern performance / Kenneth Hamilton
63. Electronic and computer music. Rev. and expanded ed. / Peter Manning
64. The musical playground : global tradition and change in childrenʼs songs and games / Kathryn Marsh
65. Exploring the musical mind : cognition, emotion, ability, function / John Sloboda
66. Kodaly today : a cognitive approach to elementary music education / Michael Houlahan, Philip Tacka
67. Art in theory, 1900-1990 : an anthology of changing ideas / Charles Harrison, Paul Wood (eds.)
68. Composition notes / Anthony Braxton
69. Tri-axium writings / Anthony Braxton
70. Musical identities / Raymond A.R. Macdonald, David J. Hargreaves, Dorothy Miell (eds.)
71. The art of counterpoint. Part three of Le institutioni harmoniche, 1558 / Giosefo Zarlino
72. Images and ideas in modern French piano music : the extra-musical subtext in piano works by Ravel. Debussy, and Messiaen / Siglind Bruhm
73. East meets West : the Russian trumpet tradition from the time of Peter the Great to the October revolution / Edward H. Tarr
74. Marcel Dupre : an aesthetical and philosophical approach to the interpretation of his organ works demonstrated through performance [PhD in performance] / Elli Glarou
75. Ζητήματα μουσικής παιδαγωγικής / Ξανθούλα Παπαναγιώτου (επιμ.)
76. Μουσική ερμηνεία των δημοτικών τραγουδιών της Μονής των Ιβήρων / Δέσποινα Β. Μαζαράκη
77. Beethoven / Felix Huch
78. Fryderyk Chopin : Leben und Werk / Antoine –E. Cherbuliez
79. Antonin Dvorak / Olga Humlova
80. Der Abituriententag : die Geschichte einer Jugendschuld / Franz Werfel
81. Κωνσταντίνος Αγαθόφρων Νικολόπουλος [Δ.Δ.] / Γεώργιος Κωνστάντζος
82. Ο Νικόλαος Χαλικιόπουλος-Μάντζαρος και οι μελοποιήσεις του σολωμικού Υμνου [Δ.Δ.] / Κωσταντίνος Ζερβόπουλος
83. Reclams Kammermusikfuhrer / Hans Renner
84. Reclams Konzertfuhrer / Hans Renner
85. Reclams Opernfuhrer / Wilhelm Zentner (hrsg.)
86. Ueber Johann Sebastian Bachs : Leben, Kunst und Kunstwerke / J.R. Forkel
87. Mozart / Wolfgang Hildesheimer
88. Biographische Nachrichten von Joseph Haydn
89. Der Mann von Asteri : Roman / Stefan Andres
90. Beethovens Violinsonaten / Justus Hermann Wetzel
91. Richard Strauss : Gestalt und Werk / Ernst Krause
92. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung / Arthur Schopenhauer
93. Miks Bumbullis : und andere Geschichten / Hermann Sudermann
94. La musique des origines a nos jours / Norbert Dufourcq
95. Handbuch der Musikgeschichte / Guido Adler (hrsg.)
96. Doktor Faustus : das Leben des deutschen Tonsetzers Adrian Leverkuhn, erzahlt von einem Freunde / Thomas Mann
97. Ins unbekannte Griechenland / Werner Ekschmitt
98. Das Fischkonzert : Roman / Halldor Laxness
99. Die Wiener Schule : und Ihre Bedeutung fur die Musikentwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert / Elisabeth Lafite (hrsg.)
100. Η τέχνη ως μέσον θεραπευτικής αγωγής / Θανάσης Δρίτσας (επιμ.)
101. Musik Lexikon / Hugo Reimann
102. Kindling the spark : recognizing and developing musical talent / Joanne Haroutounian
103. Musical communication / Dorothy Miell (ed.)
104. Reflective practices in arts education / Burnard Pamela (ed.)
105. Tuning, timbre, spectrum, scale / William A. Sethares
106. Musicology and performance / Paul Henry Lang
107. Μουσική παιδεύει, εκπαιδεύει, θεραπεύει : πρακτικά 6ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Ελληνικής Ενωσης για τη Μουσική Εκπαίδευση / Μαίη Κοκκίδου, Ζωή Διονυσίου (επιμ.)


1. Doktor Faust / Ferruccio Busoni
2. 9 symphonies / Ludwig van Beethoven ; Gardiner (cond.)
3. Die lustige Witwe / Franz Kehar ; Gardiner (cond.)
4. 6 great masses / Joseph Haydn ; Gardiner (cond.)
5. Complete symphonies / Robert Schumann ; Gardiner (cond.)
6. Volodos plays Liszt
7. Kinderszenen ; Kreisleriana ; Humoreske / Robert Schumann ; Radu Lupu (piano)
8. Complete string quintets / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
9. The creation / Joseph Haydn
10. Elektra / Richard Strauss ; Georg Solti (cond.)
11. Die Frau ohne Schatten / Richard Strauss ; Karl Bohm (cond.)
12. Missa Solemnis / Ludwig van Beethoven ; Gardiner (cond.)
13. Maia Baratashvili live at Conservatoire
14. Fabulae / Francois Bayle
15. Mexico electroacustico, 1960-2007
16. Ρήγας Φεραίος : 200 χρόνια από το θάνατο του. Διονύσιος Σολωμός : 200 χρόνια από τη γέννηση του / Χορωδία Εμπορικής Τραπέζης
17. Ιδού ο Νυμφίος έρχεται : ύμνοι της Μεγάλης Εβδομάδος / Χορωδία του Συλλόγου Ιεροψαλτών Ρόδου
18. Στη Χάρκη και στην Αλιμνιά…. : τραγούδια και χοροί της Χάλκης Δωδεκανήσων / Χρήστος Χατζηγιάννης
19. Τραγούδια από το Κωστί Βόρειας Θράκης : στα πύρινα μονοπάτια των Αναστενάρηδων / Κωστέληδες
20. Βασίλεψε ο αυγερινός : τραγούδια και χοροί της Θράκης / Χρόνης Αηδονίδης
21. The 10 symphonies / Franz Schubert ; Neville Marriner (cond.)
22. The complete piano sonatas and variations / W.A. Mozart ; Daniel Barenboim (piano)
23. Complete Webern / Pierre Boulex (cond.)
24. Integrale des quatuors / W.A. Mozart ; Talich Quartet
25. Et autres utopies / Francis Dhomont
26. Seuil de silences / Paul Dolden
27. Jeu dʼombres / Ake Parmerud
28. Fractures / Christian Bouchard
29. Migrations / Stephene Roy
30. Lʼadieu au s.o.s. / Monique Jean
31. Le contrat / Gilles Gobeil, Rene Lussier
32. Delires de plaisirs / Paul Dolden
33. La forme de lʼesprit es tun papillon / Francois Bayle
34. Toupie dans le ciel (version originale „sans remix“ ) / Francois Bayle
35. Camera oscura ; Espaces inhabitables / Francois Bayle
36. La formed u temps est un cercle / Francois Bayle
37. La main vide / Francois Bayle
38. Son vitesse-Lumiere / Francois Bayle
39. Mass in C major op.86 / Ludwig van Beethoven
40. Piano rags / Scott Joplin
41. Sea glass / Michael Brecker
42. Libellune / Roxanne Turcote
43. Aparanthesi / John Oswald
44. Lumiere dans la nuit / Bernard Fort
45. Reve de lʼaube / Adrian Moore
46. Jalons / Francis Dhomont
47. Impacts interieurs / Denis Smalley
48. Sonic Ninjutsu / John Shirley
49. Proceed / Crater
50. Zuckung / Amoebazoid
51. Voiceband jilt / Gregory Taylor
52. Dust theories / Kim Cascone
53. Insect groove / Sarah Peebles
54. Pas / Leslie Stuck
55. Fix it in post (live, 1997-2000) / The Freight Elevator Quartet
56. ./Swank / Interface
57. Available instruments / William Kleinsasser
58. Dangerous bend / Amnon Wolman
59. Pict.soul / Tetsu Inoue and Carl Stone
60. The complete symphonies / Anton Bruckner ; Eugen Jochum (conductor)


1. Der extatische Schafer : fur Flote Solo / Cyrill Scott
2. (E)cri(t) : fur Flote Solo / Heinz Holliger
3. Sonata for flute and piano / Louis Andriessen
4. Kreutzer flute etudes
5. The flute audition book : complete original orchestral flute parts
6. Sonata in E minor : for flute and piano / J.B. Loeillet
7. Sonata No.2 “La Vibray” : for flute and piano / Michel Blavet
8. Thirty studies : flute solo / N. Platonov
9. Figured harmony at the keyboard / R.O. Morris
10. Preparatory exercises in score reading / R.O. Morris, Howard Ferguson
11. Vocalise, Op.34 no.14 : flute and piano / Serge Rachmaninoff
12. Vocalise : for flute and piano / Aaron Copland
13. 24 caprices-Etudes pour flute seule, Op.26 / Theobald Boehm
14. 2. Sonate : fur Flote Solo / Harald Genzmer
15. Sonate : fur Flote und Klavier / Bors Blacher
16. Air and dance : string orchestra / Frederick Delius
17. Serenade : for four flutes / Ingolf Dahl
18. Scrivo in vento : for flute alone / Elliott Cartet
19. Etuden : fur Floten solo / Isang Yun
20. Sori : fur Flote solo / Isang Yun
21. II suite per organo / Francesco Solazzo
22. Undine sonata Op.167 : for flute and piano / Carl Reinecke
23. Piece pour flute et piano / Claude Vivier
24. Bernstein for flute / Leonard Bernstein
25. Duo for flute and piano / Aaron Copland
26. Music for analysis : examples from the common practice period and 20th century / Thomas Benjamin … [et al.]
27. Scherzando, ritmico e fugato : per tre flauti / Karl Heinz Wahren
28. Centrifuge : pour flute seule / Hitomi Kaneko
29. Ainava ar putniem : Landschaft mit Vogeln fur Flote solo / Peteris Vasks
30. 8 Stucke : fur Flote allein / Paul Hindemith
31. Suite : pour flute seule / Jean Francaix
32. 6 suites : for flute solo / Joseph Bodin de Boismortier
33. Duo : fur Flote und Klavier / Boris Blacher
34. Domain : for solo flute / Joji Yuasa
35. Six sonatas : for flute and keyboard Op.2 / Michel Blavet
36. Dolly suite : for wind quintet opus 56 / Gabriel Faure
37. Sechs Bagatellen : fur Blaserquintett / Gyorgy Ligeti
38. Samtliche Orgelwerke. Band IV. Clavierubung / Johann Ludwig Krebs
39. Sonata per organo / Francesco Solazzo
40. Francesco Solazzo plays Solenne – Fantasia – Fuga per organo / Francesco Solazzo
41. Sonate : fur Flote (Altflote) und Klavier / Heimo Erbse
42. Concertino per I 500 anni delle guardie svizzere in Vaticano (1506-2006) : per organo / Francesco Solazzo
43. Preludio – Adagio –Fuga per organo / Francesco Solazzo
44. Trio fur 3 Floten opus 59 / Alexander Tcherepnin
45. Quartet fur vier Floten opus 60 / Alexander Tcherepnin
46. Zehn Stucke fur Blaserquintett / Gyorgi Ligeti
47. Sonata fur Glote solo a-Moll / C.Ph.E. Bach
48. Sonate (in)solit(air)e pour flute seule / Heinz Holliger
49. Suite en quatre poemes for solo flute / Walter Girnatis
50. Mai-Bataraki II : for alto flute / Joji Yuasa
51. Reigaku : in memoriam Isang Yun for alto flute / Joji Yuasa
52. Air : for flute / Toru Takemitsu
53. Sen I : for flute / Toshio Hosokawa
54. Vertical song I : for flute solo / Toshio Hosokawa
55. Itinerant : in memory of Isamu Noguchi for flute / Toru Takemitsu
56. “(t)air(e)” : pour flute seule / Heinz Holliger
57. Blues : fur Flote und Cembalo (Klavier) / Arghyris Kounadis
58. Ein Hauch von Unzeit I : fur Flote solo / Klaus Huber
59. Petit suite : for wind quintet / Claude Debussy
60. Sechs Duette : fur zwei Floten Op.2 / Johann Joachim Quantz
61. Zwanzig Flotenuhrstucke fur drei Floten : aus Hob XIX / Jeseph Haydn
62. Zeitgenossische Musik fur Flote solo / Werner Tast (ed.)
63. Epitaph fur Karl Heinz Sonius : fur Flote / Michael Denhoff
64. Sonate fur Flote und Klavier A-dur / Cesar Franck
65. Solo fur Flote / Edison Denissow
66. 12 Fantasias for flute (with facsimile) TWV 40:2-13 / Georg Philipp Telemann
67. Triosonate : fur Flote, Violine oder Viola dʼamore und Basso continuo c-Moll / Johann Joachim Quantz
68. Bach-Studien fur Flote / J. S. Bach
69. Sonate fur Flote und Klavier B-dur / Ludwig van Beethoven
70. Quartet fur FLoten / Isang Yun
71. Piece for flute solo / Herbert Willi
72. Permutation fur Floten / Karl Heinz Wahren
73. Syrinx (La flute de Pan) fur Flote solo / Claude Debussy
74. Romeo and Juliet : flute and guitar / Ned Rorem
75. Sonate fur Flote und Basso continuo e-moll / Johann Joachim Quantz
76. Drei Sonaten fur Flote und Basso continuo / Johann Joachim Quantz
77. 28 Variationen uber die Arie “Ich schlief, da traumte mir” : fur Flote und Basso continuo / Johann Joachim Quantz
78. Meditation for violin and piano / Hindemith
79. Tanze fur Klavier / Joseph Haydn
80. Klavierstucke / Joseph Haydn
81. Samtliche Klaviersonaten (4 Bd.) / Joseph Haydn

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