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Δημοσίευση: 09-03-2006 16:44 | Προβολές: 728

An editor’s life/Diana Athill
How to market books/Alison Baverstock
Book business: publishing past, present and future/Jason Epstein
An author’s guide to scholarly publishing/Robin Derricourt
Introduction to marketing: theory and practice/Adrian Palmer
The new era of management/Richard L. Daft
The data protection directive and medical research across Europe/ D. Beyleveld (editor)
Passions fortune: the story of Mills & Boon/ Joseph McAleer
Principles of medical law/Andrew Grubb (editor)
The cathedral and the bazzar/Eric S. Raymond
On book design/R. Hendel
Clark’s publishing agreements/L. Owen (editor)
The challenges of privatization: an international analysis/Beranrdo Bortolotti
Strategic management/Hugh Macmillan
The knowing organization/Chun Wei Choo
Implementation of the data protection directive in relation to medical research in Europe/D. Beyleveld (editor)
Public management reform: a comparative analysis/Christopher Pollitt and Geert Bouckaert
European data privacy law and online business/C. Kuner
Culture of business: scenes of reading and writing in 19th century America
Urban and regional transportation modeling/Der-Horng Lee (editor)
The oxford handbook of innovation/Jan Fagerberg (editor)
Principles of transport economics/Emile Quinet
An introduction to the economics of information:incentives and contracts/I.Macho Stadler
Knowledge and innovation for development/Francisco Sagasti
The economics of nonprofit enterprises/Richard Steinberg (editor)
The economics of public private partnerships/Darrin Grimsey (editor)
Public sector information in the digital age: between markets, public management and citizens’ rights/Georg Aichholzer (editor)
Corporate governance adrift/Michel Aglietta
Critical management studies: a reader/C. Grey (editor)
Introduction to economics/Stephen Dobson
Public finance and public choice/John Cullis
New Hart’s rules
Software metrics: a rigorous and practical approach/Norman E. Fenton
Organization theory: modern, symbolic and post-modern perspectives
Business research methods/Alan Bryman
Principles of organizational behaviour/Robin Fincham
Cooperative strategy/John Child
Global marketing management: changes, challenges and new strategies/Kiefer Lee
Institutions, innovation and growth: selected economic papers/Jean-Philippe Touffut (editor)
Transport Systems and Policy/Peter Nijkamp
Knowledge spillovers and knowledge management/Charlie Karlsson (editor)
Globalisation policy and shipping/Evangelia Selkou
Location, travel and invormation technology/ Peter Nijkamp
Public private partnerships/David Grimsey

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