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Δημοσίευση: 20-03-2006 12:04 | Προβολές: 722

Η μουσική κλίμαξ, ήτοι, Επιστημονική διαίρεσις της μουσικής κλίμακος / Αρχ. Παγκρατίου Βατοπαιδινού
Η μπάντα τυμπάνων και σάλπιγγων / Ανδρέα Ανδρέου
Ηλιε της καρδιάς μου: ποίηση / Ασπασία Παπακωνσταντίνου
Εννέα εντολές και μια αγέννητη: ποίηση / ΓΙώτα Στρατή
Τhinking musically: experiencing music, expressing culture / Bonnie C. Wade
Children with autism: diagnosis and interventions to meet their needs (2nd ed.)/ Colwyn Trevarthe ... [et al.]
Children's unspoken language / Gwyneth Doherty-Sheddon
Instrumental music for dyslexis: a teaching handbook (2nd ed.) / Sheila M. Oglethorpe
Differnet minds: giffted children with AD/HD, Asperger syndrome, and other learning deficits / Deirdre V. Lovecky
School phobia,panic attacks and anxiety in children / Marianna Csoti
A Critical dictionary of psychoanalysis (2nd ed.) / Charles Rycroft
The Psycho-analysis of children / Melanie Klein
Lennie and Ornette: searching for freedom in improvisation: observations on the music of Lennie Tristano and Onette Coleman / Jari Perkiomaki
The new Grove dictionary of jazz 3 vols (2nd ed.) / Barry Kernfeld ed.
Wagner Briefe Verzeichni: Chronologisches Versichnis der Briefe von Richard Wagner / Werner Breig
Verdi Handbuch / Anselm Gerhard ed.
Bach Handbuch / Konrad Kuster ed.
Handbuch Orgelmusik: Komponisten, Werke, Interpretation / Rudolf Faber ed.
Information arts: intersections of art, science and technology / Stephen Wilson
Acoustic echo and noise control: a practical approach / Eberhard Hansler
Wireless imagination: sound, radio, and the Avant-garde / Douglas Kahn ed.
Noise, water, meat: a history of sound in the arts
Magnetic recording: the first 100 years / Eric D. Daniel ed.
Digital audio broadcasting: principles and applications of digital radio (2nd ed.) / Wolfgang Hoeg ed.
Developments in speech synthesis / Mark Tatham
Digital speech: coding for low bit rate communication systems (2nd ed.) / A. M. Kondoz
Audio bandwidth extension: application of psychoacoustics, signal processing and loudspeaker design / Erik Larsen
Speech recognition: theory and C++ imlementation / Claudio Becchetti
Content production technologies / Fumio Hasegawa ed.
DAFX: digital audio effects / Udo Zolzer ed.
Digital audio signal processing / Udo Zolzer

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