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Δημοσίευση: 29-03-2006 18:47 | Προβολές: 795

Music entries at Stationers' Hall, 1710-1818 / Michael Kassler, comp.
Deep listeners : music, emotion and trancing / Judith Becker
Supporting musical development in the early years / Linda Pound and Chris Harrison
Talent teaching, and achievement / John Radford, ed.
Music in West Africa : experiencing music, experiencing culture / Ruth M. Stone
Passing it on : the trnansmission of music in Irish culture / Marie McCarthy
The portraits of Hector Berlioz / Gunther Braam
The Kodaly way to music : the method adapted for British schools / Cecilia Vajda
Motives for allusion : context and content in 19th century music / Christopher A. Reynolds
A Shostakovich casebook / Malcolm Hamrick Brown
Musik in zwei Diktaturen : Verfolgung von Komponisten unter Hitler und Stalin / Friedrich Geiger
Des Lebens wilder Kreis : Musik im Zivilisationsprozess / Christian Kaden
Brahms and the German spirit / Daniel Beller-McKenna
A history of western music (7th ed.) / J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude Palisca
The keyed bugle / Ralph Dudgeon
Nietzsche and music / Georges Liebert
Shoot the singer! : music censorship today / Marie Korpe, ed.
Transforming music education / Estelle Jorgensen
Leoninus musicus und der Magnus liber organi / Rudolf Flotzinger
Late Beethoven : music, thought, imagination / Maynard Solomon
Mille et un operas / Piotr Kaminski
Claude Debussy : biographie critique : suivie du catalogue de l'oeuvre / Francois Lesure
Guillaume Du Fay : Musik des 15. Jahrhunderts / Peter Gulke
Instrumental teaching in 19th century Britain / David Golby
May it fill your soul : experiencing Bulgarian music / Timothy Rice
Types of interpretation in the aesthetic disciplines / Staffan Carlshamre, ed.
Listening to reason : culture, subjectivity, and 19th century music / Michael Steinberg
Max Reger and Karl Straube : perspectives on an organ performing tradition / Christopher Anderson
Goethe and Schubert : the unseen bond / Kenneth Whitton
Drama and the world of Richard Wagner / Dieter Borchmeyer
French opera, 1730-1830 : meaning and media / David Charlton
Modernism and music : an anthology of sources / Daniel Albright, ed.
Jean Langlais : the man and his music / Ann Labounsky
Sounding art : eight literary excursions through electronic music / Katherine Norman
Constructing musicology / Alastair Williams
Fremdworterlexikon Musik : Englisch, Franzosisch, Italienisch
Teaching music globaly / Patricia Shehan Cambell

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