Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης
Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου
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Δημοσίευση: 29-08-2006 15:59 | Προβολές: 920

•Meyerbeer in Italy / Yvonne Kenny … [et al.] – Opera Rara
The young Donizetti / Bruce Ford … [et al.] – Opera Rara
•La Partenza / Michael Costa … [et al.] – Opera Rara
•La Rimembranza / Giuseppe Verdi … [et al.] - Opera Rara
•Il Sibilo / songs by Donizetti … [et al.] - Opera Rara
•La Potenza d’Amore / Mercadante … [et al.] - Opera Rara
•Cendrillon / Pauline Viardot – Opera Rara
•Zelmira / G. Rossini - Opera Rara
•Margherita d’Anjou / G. Meyerbeer - Opera Rara
•Emma d’Antiochia / Mercadante - Opera Rara
•Roberto Devereux / Donizetti - Opera Rara
•The game / Dimos Dimitriadis

•Leaving home : orchestral music in the 20th century (7 dvd’s) / a contucted tour by Sir Simon Rattle – ArtHaus Musik

•Napoli e il teatro musicale in Europa tra sette e ottocento : studi di onre di Friedrich Lippmann / Bianca Maria Antolini, Wolfgang Witzenmann
•The Cambridge companion to Rousseau / Patrick Riley (ed.)
•The Cambridge companion to the Stoics / Brad Inwood (ed.)
•The Cambridge companion to Dante / Rachel Jacoff (ed.)
•The Cambridge companion to Augustine / Eleonore Stump (ed.)
•Music, talent and performance : a conservatory cultural system / Henry Kingsbury
•In search of music education / Estelle R. Jorgensen
•Learning from experience / W.R. Bion
•Music and social movements : mobilizing traditions in the 20th century / Ron Eyerman, Andrew Jamison
•Performance on lute, guitar and vihuela : historical practice and modern interpretation / Victor Anand Coelho (ed.)
•Introduction to music education / Charles R. Hoffer
•Bach and the pedal clavichord : and organist’s guide / joseph Speerstra
•The algorithmic composer / David Cope
•The sounding symbol : music education in action / George Odam
•Ars electronica : facing the future : a survey of two decades / Timothy Druckrey (ed.)
•Louis Vierne : organist of Notre Dame Cathedral / Rollin Smith
•Bruckner’s symphonies : analysis reception and cultural politics / Julian Horton
•Performing Brahms : early evidence of performance style / Michael Musgrave, Bernard D. Sherman (eds.)
•Autistic barriers in neurotic patients / Frances Tustin
•Cello / William Pleeth
•A philosophy of music education : advancing the vision (3rd ed.) / Bennett Reimer
•Inside lives : psychoanalysis and the growth of the personality / Margot Waddell
•Music in the Aegean bronze age / John G. Younger
•Playing the viola : conversations with William Primrose / David Dalton
•The operas of Benjamin Britten : expression and evasion / Claire Seymour
•Playing the organ works of Cesar Franck / Rollin Smith
•Wagner and the romantic hero
•Das Italienische Oratorium, 1625-1665 : Musik und Dichtung / Christian Speck
•L’Orgue : ses elements, son histoire, son esthetique / Alexandre Cellier, Henri Bachelin
•Endings in clinical practice : effective closure in diverse settings / Joseph Walsh
•Musical thetre at the court of Louis XIV : la marriage de la Grosse Cathos / Rebecca Harris-Warricj, Xarol G. Marsh
•Joseph Jongen and his organ music / Scott Whiteley
•Franz Schubert’s music in performance / David Montgomery
•Saint-Saens and the organ / Rollin Smith
•Johann Strauss and Vienna : operetta and the politics of popular culture / Camille Crittenden
•Rameau and musical thought in the Enlightenment / Thomas Cristensen
•Prelude to music education / Joanne Erwin … [et al.]
•Counerpoint, composition, and Musica Ficta / Margaret Bent
•Psychoanalytic explorations in music / Stuart Feder (ed.)
•The ambient century : from Mahler to trance : the evolution of sound in the electronic agr / Mark Prendergast
•Second thoughts : selected papers on psycho-analysis / W.R. Bion
•Il melodrama italiano, 1861-1900 : dizionario bio-bibliografico dei compositori / Andrea Sessa
•Μουσική ανάλυση και ερμηνεία : πρακτικά Β’ Συνεδρίου Μουσικολογίας, Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών, 4-6 Νοεμβρίου 2003
•Σελίδες μνήμης για τους Λεωνίδα Ζώη, Κατερίνα Χαριάτη-Σισμάνη, Αλέκο Ξένο, Δημήτρη Λάγιο (Επτανησικά Φύλλα, τ.26, 1-2) / Διονύσης Σέρρας
•Οι αναλογικοί και οι ψηφιακοί συνθετητές των δεκαετιών 1970-1980 [Πτυχιακή εργασία] / Ιωάννης Τρύφωνας
•Ελεύσεται [Πτυχιακή εργασία] / Γ. Τσιμπραγός
•Επανεκκίνηση [Πτυχιακή εργασία] / Αναστασίου Αλέκα
•Ρεσιτάλ κλαρινέτου με έργα Bach, Magnani, Rachmaninoff, Weber, Rabaud, Αντωνίου [Πτυχιακή εργασία] / Νίκη Ανδρονίκου
•Ακαδημαϊκές ψηφιακές μουσικές βιβλιοθήκες : ανάκτηση και on-line ακρόαση των ηχογραήσεων του Τμ. Μουσικών Σπουδών του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου [Πτυχιακή εργασία] / Μαρία Ασλανίδη

•Κουαρτέττο για όμποε, κλαρινέττο, βιόλα, βιολοντσέλλο / Γιάννης Α. Παπαϊωάννου
•Six sonatas for violoncello and piano / Boccherini
•New method for string bass (2 vols.) / Simandl
•Humoresque, Op.4 for string bass and piano / Koussevitsky
•18 studies for string bass / Kreutzer
•40 studies high school of cello playing, Op.73 / Popper
•Metodo popolare per saxofono / Orsi
•Studi per saxophone / Salviani
•Arie antiche (3 vols.) / A. Parisotti
•Works for organ and keyboard / J.P. Sweelinck
•Sonate no1 pour piano / Darius Milhaud
•Tender melody for violoncello and piano / Nίκος Σκαλκώτας
•Transcriptions VI, IX (2 vols.) / F. Liszt
•Learnning to teach through playing : a brass method / Herbert C. Mueller
•Klavierstucke (Urtext) / L.van Beethoven
•Klavierstucke (Urtext) / W.A. Mozart
•Toccate (2 vols.) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
•Capricci / Girolamo Frescobaldi
•Sonate fur Klavier und Violoncello, D-dur Op.58 / Menselssohn
•Sonaten fur Klavier und Violonvello / Beethoven
•Sonate fur Klavier und Arpeggione a-moll D 821 / Schubert
•Jeux d’enfants, Op.22 / Bizet
•Marchenbilder : 4 Stucke fur Klavier und Viola, Op.113 / Schumann
•Streichtrios und Streichduo / Beethoven
•Fantasiestucke Op.73 : fur Klavier und Klarinette / Schumann
•Violakonzert Nr.1 D-dur / C. Stamitz
•Romanze fur Viola und Orchester / Bruch
•Sonata G minor for viola da gamba and continuo / G.F. Handel
•40 easy studies, Op.70 for violoncello / Lee
•28 etudes pour saxophone / Guy Lacour
•Bolero : violoncello e piano / Νίκος Σκαλκώτας
•Duets for violin and viola / Mozart
•21 etudes for violoncello / Duport
•Variationen ; Violoncello und Klavier / Beethoven
•Fiori Musical per organo / Girolamo Frescobaldi
•Studies, Op.38 for violoncello / Grutzmacher
•6 Sonaten RV 40,41,43,45-47 fur Violoncello und Basso Continuo / Vivaldi
•Trio B major Op.8 : for piano, violin, violoncello / Brahms
Die Kunst der Fuge : Contrapuntus VIII, XIII : Violin, Viola, Violoncello / Bach
•2 Sonaten Op.120 : Klarinette (Viola) und Klavier / Brahms
•113 Violoncello-Etuden / Dotzauer

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Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο
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