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Νέες Προσκτήσεις της Βιβ/κης ΤΜΣ

Δημοσίευση: 06-09-2006 08:42 | Προβολές: 860

Jazz: a history (2nd ed.) / Tirro Frank
Louis Armstrong and Paul Whiteman: two kings of jazz / Barrett Joshua
Jazz in search of Itself / Larry Kart
Une histoire de la batterie de jazz, (2 tome) / George Paczinsky, Alain Gerber
Marsalis on music / Wynton Marsalis
The chord scale theory and jazz harmony / Barrie Nettles, Richard Grafl
Evans & Miles Davis: historic collaborations / Steve Lajoie
Melodic structures / Jerry Bergonzi
Pentatonics / Jerry Bergonzi
Jazz line / Jerry Bergonzi
Melodic rhythms / Jerry Bergonzi
Developing a jazz language / Jerry Bergonzi
Thesaurus of intervallic melodies / Jerry Bergonzi
How to Improvise / Hal Crook
Ready, Aim, improvise!: exploring the basics of jazz improvisation / Hal Crook
How to comp: a study in jazz accompaniment t/ Hal Crook
Blues & rhythm changes E flat / Fred Lipsius
Science and art of Renaissance music / James Haar
Early keyboard instruments / David Rowland
The Cambridge companion to conducting / Jose Antonio Bowen
Principles of the flute, recorder and oboe / Hotteterre, Jacques-Martin
Oboe / Goossen Leon, Roxburg, Edwin
Oboe & Fagott / Joppig Günther
The Oboe / Haynes Bruce, Burgess, Geoffrey
Bibliography and discography on music for solo wind instruments and orchestra (3 Volumes) / Haug Hermann
Capturing sound / Mark Katz
A History of Russian music / Francis Maes
Russians on Russian music, 1880-1917 / Stuart Campbell
French music since Berlioz / Smith R.
The secret life of cello strings: harmonics for cellists / Bosanquet Caroline
Franz Schubert, music and belief / Black Leo
Το φανταστικό μουσείο των μουσικών έργων / Λύντια Γκερ

Turnarounds, Cycles, & II/V7s / Aebersold Play-A-Longs Vol.16
I got rhythm / Aebersold Play-A-Longs Vol.47
Invitation / Aebersold Play-A-Longs Vol.59
Burnin / Aebersold Play-A-Longs Vol.61
Killer Joe /Aebersold Play-A-Longs Vol.70

Melodic Structures Video VHS-PAL/ Jerry Bergonzi

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