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Δημοσίευση: 24-01-2007 20:21 | Προβολές: 1537

Advanced 3-D Game Programming With Ms Di/ Walsh, Peter

Advanced Perl Programming 2nd Edition/ Cozens Simon

Ajax/ Woychowsky

Asp Net 2.0 Illustrated/ Homer Sussman

Beginning Visual C++ 2005/ Iovan Horton

Beginning Sql/ Wilton Paul

Beginning Visual C# 2005/ Watson Karli

Beginning Visual C++/ Horton, I

C# For Programmers 2nd Ed/ Deitel

C# How To Program 2ed/ Deitel

C++Βημα Προς Βημα/ Herbet Schildt

Cisco Ios In A Nutshell/ James Boney

Complete Maya Programming/ Gould David

Content Analysis/ Krippendorff, Klaus

Create Your Own Home Networks/ Lazich Eli

Critical Phenomena In Natural Sciences/ Sornette, Didier

Data Communications And Networking/ Michael Gallo

Data Mining With Sql Server 2005/ Tang Zhaohui

Distributed Data Management For Grid/ Di Stefano Michael

E - Λεκτρονικη Μάθηση/ Καμπουρακης Λουκης

Flash Web Design Η Τεχνη Των Κινουμενων Γραφικων/ Curtis, Hillman

Fractal Geometry in Biological Systems : An Analytical Approach /Iannaccone, Philip M. and Mustafa Khokha

Handbook Of Human Factors In Web Design/ Proctor R.

Home Network Security Simplified/ Doherty Anderson

Inside Network Perimeter Security 2nd Ed/ Northcutt Stephen

Inside Network Security Assessment/ Gregg Michael

Introductory Guide To Spss For Windows/ Einspruch, Eric L.

Java In A Nutshell 5th Ed/ Flanagan David

Java Programming With The Sap Applicatio/ Kessler Karl

Java Θεωρία Και Προβλήματα/ Hubbard, John R.

Java Προγραμματισμος Εκτη Εκδοση/ Deitel, H. M.

Java: Learning To Program With Robots/ Becker

Java: Εισαγωγή Στη Σύγχρονη Τεχνολογία/ Greanier Todd

Javascript Demystified/ Keogh Jim

Jboss: A Developer's Notebook/ Richards Norman

Ldap Directories Explained/ Arkills, Brian

Ldap/ Rizcallah, Marcel

Learning Maya 7 Unlimited Features/ Alias

Learning Perl 4th Ed/ Schwartz L Randal

Learning SQL In SQL Server 2005/ Saha Sikha Bagui

Learning Sql/ Beaulieu

Learning The Bash Shell 3rd Ed/ Newham Cameron

Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines/ Joachims, Thorsten

Learning Windows Server 2003/ Hassell

Linux Administration A Beginner Guide/ Graham

Linux At Work/ Goncalves, Marcus

Linux Bible 2006/ Negus Christopher

Linux For Embedded And Real-Time Applications/ Abbott, Doug

M/S Visual C# 2005/ Hoffman Kevin

M/S Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed/ Powers Lars

Making Media/ Roberts-Breslin, Jan

Managing Informatio/ Alberts

Managing Nfs And Nis/ Stern, Hal

Mastering Active Directory For Windows S/ Price

Mastering Matlab 7 Pie/ Littlefield, Bruce L.

Microprocessor Microcomputer And Their Applications/ Mukhopadhyay, A.K.

Microprocessors And Interfacing:Programming And Hardware-Ibm Version/ Hall, Douglas V.

Modeling Xml Applications/ Carlson, David

Molecular Computing/ Sienko, Adamatzky, Rambidi, Conr

Multimedia Systems/ Steinmetz, Ralf

Neural Smithing/ Reed, Russell D.

Next Generation Network Services/ Robert Wood

Object-Oriented Software Engneering/ Lethbridge T

Open Source For Windows Administrators/ Christian Gross

Opengl Programming Guide/ Shreiner,Woo And Neider,Davis

Pattern Recognition/ Theodoridis; Koutroumbas

Physics For Game Programmers/ Grant Palmer

Principles Of Compiler Desing/ Aho, Alfred V.

Principles Of Information Security 2ed/ Whitman M.

Principles Of Information Systems 7th Ed/ Reynolds George

Professional Xml Development With Apache Tools/ Leung

Raw Workflow From Capture To Archives/ Andrews, Philip

Real World Sql Server Administration With Perl/ Shea, L.

Rss And Atom In Action/ Johnson Dave

R-Trees : Theory And Applications/ Manolopoulos , Nanopoulos

Sams Teach Yourself C++ In 21 Days/ Jones, Liberty

Sap Enterprise Portal/ A Goebel D Ritthaler

Semiotic Engineering Of Human-Computer Interaction/ De Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius

Sip: Understanding The Session Initiation Security Risks/ Johnston

Sound Design For Animation Filmmakers/ Beauchamp Robin

Spss For Windows Step By Step 6ed/ Darren George

Sql Cookbook/ Molinaro Anthony

Statistical Computing/ Kundu, D

Switching To Voip/ Wallingford Theodore

Synergetics/ Haken, Hermann

Systems Analysis And Design: An Object-Oriented Approach/ Dewitz, Sandra

The Unofficial Guide To Ethical Hacking/ Fadia

Wap For Web Professionals/ Hougland, Damon

Xml For Real Programmers/ Hoque, Reaz

Ακουστικός Σχεδιασμός Χώρων / Τσινικας Ν.

Αντικειμενοστρεφης Σχεδιασμος Uml Αρχες/ Χατζηγεωργιου Αλεξανδρος

Δικτυακός Προγραμματισμός Ανάπτυξη/ Comer

Εισαγωγη Στη Διδακτικη Της Πληροφορικης/ Κομης Βασιλης

Θεμελιώδεις Αρχές Συστημάτων Βάσεων/ Elmasri.R. Navathe.S.B.

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