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Δημοσίευση: 12-02-2007 13:52 | Προβολές: 875

1. Decentering music : a critique of contemporary musical research / Kevin Korsyn
2. Musik und Verstehen / Christoph von Blumroder, Wolfram Steinbeck (hg)
3. Le parole delle muse : la formazione del lessico tecnico musicale nella Grecia antica / Eleonora Rocconi
4. Music in european capitals : the galant style 1720-1780 / Daniel Heartz
5. The Cambridge companion to Liszt / Kenneth Hamilton (ed.)
6. Geschichte der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert : 1900-1925 / Siegfried Mauser, Matthias Schmidt (hg.)
7. Die Sinfonie zu Zeit der Wiener Klassik / Gernot Gruber, Matthias Schmidt (hrg.)
8. Order and disorder : music-theoritical strategies in the 20th-century music : proceedings of the International Orpheus Academy for Music Theory, 2003 / Jonathan Dunsby … [et al.]
9. Die Kunst des reinen Satzes in der Musik / Johann Philipp Kirnberger
10. The Oxford dictionary of musical works / Alison Latham (ed.)
11. The Oxford dictionary of musical terms / Alison Latham (ed.)
12. Opera : the art of dying / Linda and Michael Hutcheon
13. Syntagma musi***** III / Michael Praetorius
14. Zukunftsbilder : Richard Wagners Revolution und ihre Folgen in Kunst und Politik / Hermann Danuser, Herfried Munker (hrg)
15. Encyclopedia of opera on screen : a guide to more than 100 years of opera films, videos, and DVD’s / Ken Wlaschin
16. Lexikon der Violine : Baugeschichte, Spielpraxis, Komponisten und ihre Werke, Interpreten / Stefan Drees (hrg.)
17. Divining the oracle : Monteverdi’s seconda partita / Massimo Ossi
18. Music in Bali / Lisa Gold
19. The Oxford history of Western music (6 vols.) / Richard Taruskin
20. The sounds of the world’s languages / Peter Ladefoged and Ian Maddieson
21. Dynamic patterns : the self-organization of brain behavior / J.A. Scott Kelso
22. The mind’s new science : a history of the cognitive revolution / Howard Gardner
23. The end of time : the next revolution in our understanding of the Universe / Julian Barbour
24. The origins of order : self-organization and selection in evolution / Stuart A. Kauffman
25. An introduction to genetic algorithms / Melanie Mitchell
26. Music query : methods, models, and user studies / Walter B. Hewlett, Eleanor Selfridge-Field (eds.)
27. The Cambridge encyclopedia of language (2nd ed.) / David Crystal
28. Pedagogy of the oppressed / Paulo Freire
29. Pedagogy of freedom : ethics, democracy, and civic courage / Paulo Freire
30. Finding flow : the psychology of engagement with everyday life / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
31. Multiple intelligences : new horizons / Howard Gardner
32. Democracy and music education : liberalism, ethics, and the politics of practice / Paul G. Woodford
33. The speeches / Antiphon
34. Mastering piano technique : a guide for students, teachers, and performers / Seymour Fink
35. Komponisten mit tonen : Nikos Skalkottas und Schoenbergs “Komposition mit Zwolf Tonen” / Judit Alsmeier
36. Mastering the art of performance : a primer for musicians / Stewart Gordon
37. The early symphony : 18th-century vies of composition and analysis / Marie Louise Gollner
38. The Hesiodic catalogue of women : its nature, structure, and origins / M.L. West
39. Music for piano : a short history / F.E. Kirby
40. The pianist’s dictionary / Maurice Hinson
41. The piano in chamber ensemble : an annotated guide / Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts
42. Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instruments / C.P.E. Bach
43. Abby Whiteside on playing piano / Abby Whiteside
44. Music for more than one piano : an annotated guide / Maurice Hinson
45. Music for piano and orchestra : an annotated guide / Maurice Hinson
46. The pianist’s guide to transcriptions, arrangements, and paraphrases / Maurice Hinson
47. On piano playing : motion, sound and expression / Gyorgy Sandor
48. Piano duet repertoire : music originally written for one piano, four hands / Cameron McGraw
49. Guide to the pianist’s repertoire / Maurice Hinson
50. Antiphon the Athenian : oratory, law, and justice in the age of the Sophists / Michael Gagarin
51. Archytas of Tarentum : Pythagorean, philosopher and mathematician king / Carl A. Huffman
52. Geschichte des Streichquartetts (3 bd.) / Friedhelm Krummacher
53. Manolis Kalomiris, Nikos Skalkottas / Griechische Kunstmusik zwischen Nationalschule und Moderne / Nina-Maria Jaklitsch
54. Composing with tones : a musical analysis of Schoenberg’s Op.23 pieces for piano / Kathryn Bailey
55. Theory, analysis & meaning in music / Anthony Pople (ed.)
56. The analysis of musical form / James Mathes
57. Schumann’s Dichterliebe and early romantic poetics : fragmentation of desire / Beate Julia Perrey
58. Music theory and analysis in the writings of Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) / Norton Dudeque

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