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Εξελίξεις στο JSTOR

Δημοσίευση: 19-03-2007 13:07 | Προβολές: 586

Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε για τις τελευταίες αλλαγές στα περιοδικά του JSTOR.

Α. Προστέθηκαν ελλείποντα τεύχη στα παρακάτω 3 περιοδικά:

The American Economic Review (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
New content: Vol. 40, (Issue 5, Part 2), 1950;
Vol. 43, (Issue 5, Part 2), 1953;
Vol. 64, (Issue 5), 1974
Publisher: American Economic Association
ISSN: 0002-8282

The Economic Journal (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
New content: Vol. 10, (Index), 1900;
Vol. 20, (Index), 1910;
Vol. 90, (Index), 1980;
Vol. 100, (Index), 1990
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Economic Society
ISSN: 0013-0133

The German Quarterly (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New content: Vol. 34, (Membership Issue), 1961;
Vol. 35, (Membership Issue), 1962;
Vol. 36, (Membership Issue), 1963;
Vol. 37, (Membership Issue), 1964;
Vol. 38, (Membership Issue), 1965;
Vol. 39, (Membership Issue), 1966;
Vol. 40, (Membership Issue), 1967;
Vol. 41, (Membership Issue), 1968;
Vol. 42, (Membership Issue), 1969;
Vol. 44, (Membership Directory), 1971;
Vol. 45, (Membership Directory), 1972;
Vol. 46, (Membership Directory), 1973;
Vol. 47, (Membership Directory), 1974;
Vol. 48, (Membership Directory), 1975;
Publisher: American Association of Teachers of German
ISSN: 0016-8831

Β. Μετά από αίτηση του εκδότη, μειώθηκε ο χρόνος πρόσβασης σε πρόσφατα τεύχη, στο παρακάτω περιοδικό:

Contemporary Literature (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
Previous Title: Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature (0146-4949)
Moving Wall: 3 years (previously 2 years)
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
ISSN: 0010-7484

Γ. Έγινε εκ νέου επεξεργασία στα παρακάτω 8 περιοδικά για να βελτιωθεί η ποιότητά τους:

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
Reworked content: Vols. 1989 – 1998, (1989-1998)
Moving wall: n/a
Publisher: The Brookings Institution
ISSN: 1057-8641

Contributions to Canadian Economics (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
Release content: Vols. 1 – 7, (1928-1934)
Moving wall: n/a
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Canadian Economics Association
ISSN: 0383-6258

The Economic Journal (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Reworked content: Vol. 5 (Issue 20) – Vol. 20, (Issue 79), 1895-1910;
Vol. 28 (Issue 111) – Vol. 36, (Issue 142), 1918-1926;
Vol. 37 (Issue 145), 1927;
Vol. 44 (Issue 173) – Vol. 53, (Issue 212), 1934-1943;
Vol. 54 (Issue 214) – Vol. 101, (Issue 407), 1944-1991
Vol. 104 (Issue 425) – Vol. 111, (Issue 473), 1994-2001;
Moving wall: 5 years
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Economic Society
ISSN: 0013-0133

Journal of Economic Abstracts (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Reworked content: Vols. 1 – 6, 1963-1968
Moving wall: n/a
Publisher: American Economic Association
ISSN: 0364-281x

The Journal of Economic Perspectives (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Reworked content: Vols. 1 – 16, 1987-2002
Moving wall: 2 years
Publisher: American Economic Association
ISSN: 0895-3309

Population Index (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Reworked content: Vols. 3 – 51, 1937-1985
Moving wall: n/a
Publisher: Office of Population Research
ISSN: 0032-4701

The RAND Journal of Economics (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
Reworked content: Vol. 15 – Vol. 31 (Issue 3), 1984-2000
Moving wall: 2 years
Publisher: The RAND Corporation
ISSN: 0741-6261

The University Journal of Business (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Reworked content: Vols. 1 – 5, 1922-1927
Moving wall: n/a
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISSN: 1525-6979

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