Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης
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Δημοσίευση: 14-05-2007 14:27 | Προβολές: 1042

1. Perspectives on Mozart performance / R. Larry Todd, Peter Williams (ed.)
2. The Cambridge companion to early modern philosophy / Donald Rutherford (ed.)
3. Der Erfahrbare Atem : eine Atemlehre / Ilse Middendorf
4. Music and text : critical inguiries / Steven Paul Scher (ed.)
5. The Cambridge companion to Leibniz / Nicholas Jolley (ed.)
6. The Cambridge companion to Kant / Paul Guyer (ed.)
7. The Cambridge companion to Elgar / Daniel Grimley, Julian Rusthon (ed.)
8. The Cambridge companion to Marx / Terrell Carver (ed.)
9. Modest Musorgsky and Boris Godunov : myths, realities, reconsiderations / Caryl Emerson & Robert Oldani
10. Russians on Russian music, 1830-1880 : an anthology / Stuart Campbell (ed.)
11. Handbuch der Oper : Rudolf Kloiber, Wulf Konold, Robert Maschka
12. Analysis, synthesis, and perception of musical sounds : the sound of music / James W. Beauchamp (ed.)
13. Thus spoke Zarathustra : a book for all and none / Friedrich Nietzche
14. Hanns Eisler political musician / Albrecht Betz
15. Medical problems of the instrumentalist musician / Raoul Tubian, Peter Camadio (ed.)
16. L’opera italiana a Vienna prima di Metastasio / Maria Teresa Muraro (ed.)
17. Manuel de Falla tra la Spagna e l’Europa : atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Venezia, 15-17 Maggio 1987) / Paolo Pinamonti (ed.)
18. Wagner senza segreti / Mario Rinaldi
19. High performance loudspeakers. - 6th ed. / Martin Colloms, Payl Darlington
20. L’arte degli organi a Venezia / Sandro dalla Libera
21. Sibelius studies / Timothy L. Jackson, Veijo Murtomaki (eds)
22. Mentales training fur Musiker : Leichter lerner – sicherer auftreten / Renate Kloppel
23. Values of beauty : historical essays in aesthetics / Paul Guyer
24. Kan on the human standpoint / Beatrice Longuenesse
25. Lateness and Brahms : music and culture in the twilight of Viennese liberalism / Margaret Notley
26. The printing revolution in early modern Europe. 2nd ed. / Elizabeth L. Einstein
27. Against the logicians / Sextus Empiricus
28. Opera in theory and practice, image and myth / Lorenzo Bianconi, Giorgio Pastelli (eds)
29. The prima donna and opera, 1815-1930 / Susan Rutherford
30. Don Giovanni : le manipolazioni di un testo nell’Europa della Restaurazione / Sonia Arienta
31. Il clavicordo : interpretazione e ricostruzione di antichi strumenti a tastiera / Angelo Mondino
32. Music and image in classical Athens / Sheramy D. Bundrick
33. Puccini : his life and work / Julian Budden
34. The Cambridge history of Seventeenht-century music / Tim Cartet, John Butt (eds)
35. Il ritmo musicale e storia / Witold Rudzinski
36. Playing the violin : an illustrated guide / Mark Rush
37. Russian modernism between East and West : Natal’ia Goncharova and the Moscow Avant-Garde / Jane Ashton Sharp
38. The Garland encyclopedia of World music Vol.3. The United States and Canada / Ellen Koskoff (ed.)
39. The Garland encyclopedia of World music. Vol.7. East Asia : China, Japan and Korea / Robert C. Provine … [et al.] (eds.)
40. Opera and the Engligthenment / Thomas Bauman, Marita Petzoldt McClymonds (eds.)
41. Our knowledge of the past : a philosophy of historiography / Aviezer Tucker
42. The trombone / Trevor Herbert
43. The symphony in Beethoven’s Vienna / David Wyn Jones
44. The organ in western culture, 750-1250 / Peter Williams
45. Γιώργος Σισιλιάνος : ο συνθέτης στην πρωτοπορία της σύγχρονης μουσικής / Μουσείο Μπενάκη
46. Ο προσολωμικός Νικόλαος Χαλικιόπουλος Μάντζαρος και το έργο του [Διδ. Διατριβή] / Κωνσταντίνος Καρδάμης
47. Ανθολογία : Ακολουθία του όρθρου / Πέτρος Μανουήλ Εφέσιος.
48. Οι τέσσερις εποχές / Μάρκο Σίμσα
49. Καρυοθραύστης / Ε.Τ.Α. Χόφμαν
50. Σχέδια εργασίας στην τάξη και στην πράξη : στόχος, τρόπος, αξιολόγηση / Αλεξάνδρα Χ. Κουλουμπαρίτση, Ζαμπέλ Μουρατιάν

1. Samtliche Orgelwerke / Georg Bohm
2. Toccaten, Fantasien, Praeludien, Fugen, Ricercare und Ciaconen : fur Orgel (2 Bd.) / Johann Pachelbel
3. Altitalienische Orgelmeister (2 vols) / Ernst Kaller (hrg.)
4. Alte englische Orgelmeister / G. Phillips (hrg.)
5. Altspanische Orgelmeister / Ernst Kaller (hrg.)
6. Franzosische Orgelmusik von Titelouze bis d’Aquin / Sandor Margittay (hrs.)
7. Frescobaldi und sein Wirkungskreis / Sandor Margittay (hrs.)
8. Trio fur Klavier, Violin und Violoncello / Fred Lohse
9. Sonate Op.65 ; Polonaise Op.3 : fur Klavier und Violoncello / Frederic Chopin
10. Symphony in G minor “La Poule”, Hob.I:83 / Joseph Haydn
11. Symphony in C major “L’Ours”, Hob. I:82 / Joseph Haydn
12. Embellie : pour alto solo / Iannis Xenakis
13. Roscobeck : pour violoncelle et contrebasse / Iannis Xenakis
14. Hunem-Iduhey : pour violon et violoncelle / Iannis Xenakis
15. Duett : fur Bratsche und Violoncello / Paul Hindemith
16. Concerto per viola ed orchestra / Krzysztof Penderecki
17. Concerto per viola ed orchestra : Klavierauszug / Krzysztof Penderecki
18. 59 ½ seconds for a string player / John Cage
19. Viola (o viola d’amore) / Bruno Maderna
20. Variationen : uber das osterreichische Volkslied “A Schusserl und a Reind’rl” : fur Viola und Klavier / Carl Maria von Weber
21. Zwei Gesange, Op.91 : fur eine Altstimme mit Viola oder Violoncello und Klavier / Johannes Brahms
22. Konzert fur Kontrabass und Streichorchester : ausgabe fur Kontrabass und Klavier / Boris Papandopoulo


1. The complete piano concertos / W. A. Mozart
2. For children ; Mikrokosmos / Bela Bartok
3. The 6 partitas BWV 825-830 ; French overture in B minor, BWV 831 ; Goldberg variations, BWV 988 / Johann Sebastian Bach
4. The well-tempered clavier, Book I & II / J. S. Bach
5. The art of the Baroque trumpet (4 vols.) / Niklas Eklund (baroque trumpet)
6. The singles / Sun Ra
7. The essential Count Basie Vol.2 / Count Basie

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