Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης
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Δημοσίευση: 04-12-2007 18:23 | Προβολές: 1917


1. Masterpieces of Italian violin making : important stringed instruments from the collection at the Royal Academy of Music / David Rattray
2. A performer’s guide to music of the classical period / Anthony Burton (ed.)
3. Music in English education : grammar school, university and conservatoire / Noel Long
4. Speculum musicae / Jacobi Leodiensis
5. Η παράδοση και η επιβίωση της στο σημερινό πολιτισμό μας / Τάσος Βουρνάς, Ελένη Γαρίδη
6. Μότσαρτ : τα παιδικά του χρόνια / Rotraut Hinderks-Kutscher
7. Παγκοσμιοποίηση και εκπαίδευση, το δημόσιο σχολείο στο νέο περιβάλλον : 18ο Πανελλήνιο Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Δ.Ο.Ε.-Π.Ο.Ε.Δ
8. Ολοήμερο σχολείο : 10 χρόνια μετά, εμπειρίες – προοπτικές : 20ο Πανελλήνιο Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Δ.Ο.Ε.-Π.Ο.Ε.Δ
9. Μελέτη του βαθμού εφαρμογής του θεσμού των τάξεων υποδοχής και των προβλημάτων λειτουργίας τους : οι απόψεις των εκπαιδευτικών και των διευθυντών / Δ.Ο.Ε.
10. Δημιουργικότητα στη μουσική διδασκαλία και πράξη : 4ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Ενωσης για τη Μουσική Εκπαίδευσγ, 1-3 Ιουλίου 2005 / Ε.Ε.Μ.Ε.


1. Music of the Florentine Renaissance (11 vols.) / Frnak A. D’Accone (ed.)
2. Eighteen canzonets for two and three voices / John Travers
3. Four concertos / Giovanni Battista Sammartini
4. Sonatas for violin and basso continuo, Op.3 / Pierre Gavinies
5. Twelve violin concertos, Op.1 / Carlo Tessarini
6. Mass in D Minor / Antonio Salieri
7. Six quartets for bassoon and strings, Op.1 / Georg Wenzel Ritter
8. Six quatuors concertantes, Op.2 / Franz Asplmayr
9. Complete madrigals (part 2) : Secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voci / Alfonso Fontanelli
10. Complete unaccompanied madrigals. (part 1) / Luzzasco Luzzaschi
11. Preces, festal psalms, and verse anthems / William Smith
12. Ballet music arranged for chamber ensemble / Christian Cannabich
13. Messa e salmi, parte concertati (part 1) / Giovanni Antonio Rigatti
14. Seventeenth-Century Lutheran church music with trombones / Charlotte A. Leonard (ed.)
15. Motetti a una, due, tre, e Quattro voci (1683) / Giovanni Felice Sances
16. Petits motets from the Royal Convent School at Saint-Cyr / Deborah Kauffman (ed.)
17. Airs from “Airs de differents autheurs” / Michel Lambert
18. Messa e salmi, parte concertati (part 1.) / Givanni Antonio Rigatti
19. Collected vocal music (3 parts) / William Lawes
20. Messa, e salmi concertati, Op.4 (1639) (part 1) / Giovanni Rovetta
21. Erster Theil newer Paduanen / Johann Schop
22. Messe d’intavolatura d’organo, 1568 / Claudio Merulo
23. Il primo libro d’intavolatura di balli d’apricordo / Giovanni Maria Radino
24. Trouvere lyrics with melodies complete comparative edition (17 vols.) / Hans Tischler (ed.)
25. Toccatas / Hans Leo Hassler
26. Keyboard compositions / Ottavio Bariolla
27. Sudori musicali / Giovanni Cavaccio
28. Keyboard compositions / Francesco Bianciardi, Costanzo Porta
29. Keyboard music from the Felantix manuscripts, I / Juan Cabanilles and his contemporaries
30. Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Ms Mus. 1581 : an anthology of keyboard compositions from a South-German manuscript / Clare G. Rayner (ed.)
31. The Mylau Tabulaturbuch : forty selected compositions / John R. Shannon (ed.)
32. Keyboard music at Castell’ Arquato / H. Colin Slim (ed.)
33. Compositions for keyboard / Annibale Padovano, Sperindio Bertoldo
34. Six anonymous L’home arme masses in Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Ms. Vi E 40 / Judith Cohen (ed.)
35. Opera omnia / Johannis Lupi
36. Opera omnia / Johanni Parvi
37. Anonymous pieces in the Ms. El Escorial IV.a.24 / Eileen Southern (ed.)
38. Collected chansons / Le Gendre, Maille, Morpain
39. Canons in the Trent codices / Richard Loyan (ed.)
40. The music of the Perys ms 1236 / Sydney Robinson Charles (ed.)
41. Organ magnificats : on the eight tones / Hieronymus Praetorius
42. L’antegnata intavolatura de ricercari d’organo, 1608 / Costanzo Antegnati
43. Collected works / Marco Facoli
44. Opera omnia (4 vols) / Johannes Ghiselin-Verbonnet
45. Transciptions of chansons for keyboard / Pierre Attaignant
46. Selva di varie compositioni d’intavolatura per cimbalo ed organo / Bernardo Storace
47. Collected keyboard works / Adam Reincken
48. Collected keyboard works / Pieter Cornet
49. Original compositions for organ / Delphin Strunk and Peter Mohrhardt
50. Muth- und Geist-ermuntrender Clavier-Lust / Benedict Schultheiss
51. Opera omnia (3 vols) / Philippe Verdelot
52. Opera omnia (2 vols) / Johannis Brassart
53. Opera omnia (3 vols) / Matthaeus Pipelare
54. Opera omnia (5 vols) / Jacobi Arcadelt
55. Keyboard music from polish manuscripts (2 vols) / J. Golos & A. Sutkowski (eds)
56. Tabulature for keyboard music (5 vols) / Johannes of Lublin
57. Elizabeth Rogers’ virginal book / George Sargent (ed.)
58. Keyboard compositions / Christopher Gibons
59. Compositions for keyboard : ricercar tabulatura / Johann Ulrich Steigleder
60. Collected organ compositions / Joseph Jimenez
61. Keyboard compositions preserved in manuscripts / Girolamo Frescobaldi
62. The Anders von Duben tablature : Uppsala, University Library, Instr. Mus. i. hs. 408 / John Irving
63. Selected works / Samuel Mareschal
64. Partito de ricercari & canzoni alla francese / Giovanni Paolo Cima
65. Napolitan keyboard composers / Ronald Jackson (ed.)
66. Seventeenth-century keyboard music in the Chigi manuscripts of the Vatican Library (2 vols.) / Harry B. Lincoln (ed.)
67. Collected keyboard compositions (4 vols.) / Christian Erbach
68. Nuovi thesauri musici a Petro Ioannello collcti. Volume 5 / Alberus Dunning (ed.)


1. From A to Z (e vols.) / Sharon Bezaly
2. The music for flutes and piano / Franz & Karl Doppler
3. The Norwegian flute / Per Oien, flute
4. The virtuoso flute / Robert Aitken, flute
5. The Russian flute / Manuela Wiesler, flute
6. French flute music / Robert Aitken, flute
7. Liselotte Weiss plays music by Berg .. [et al.]
8. The complete flute music (2 vols.) / Andre Jolivet
9. Masterworks for flute and piano / Bezaly, Brautigam
10. Toward the sea : music for flute and harp / Robert Aitken, Erica Goodman
11. Aperitif : a french collection / Sharon Bezaly
12. Tuba carnival / Oystein Baadsvik
13. The choice of Hercules / Handel
14. Castor et Pollux : opera in 5 acts, 1754 version / Rameau
15. Alexander Balus / Handel
16. L’Enfance du Christ / Berlioz
17. Joseph Merrick, the elephant man / Laurent Petitgirard
18. Dances from Terpsichore, 1612 / Michael Praetorius
19. Joseph and his Brethren / Handel
20. The Indian queen / Purcell
21. Piano concerto, Op.39 / Busoni
22. Organ sonata ; Enigma variation / Elgar
23. Piano music / Catoire
24. Choir concerto ; Minnesang ; Voices of nature / Schnittke
25. Piano concertos nos 1,2 / Shostakovich
26. European light music classics / New London Orchestra
27. Stabat mater / Boccherini, D’Astorga
28. Cantiones amatorias / Rodrigo … [et al.]
29. The triumph of time and truth / Handel
30. Classical trumpet concertos / Hummel … [et al.]
31. Double bass concertos / Dittersdorf, Vanhal
32. Happy day / Σαββόπουλος
33. Mode Plagal II
34. Mode Plagal III
35. Basse Classe / Μιχάλη Σιγανίδη
36. Μικρές αγγελίες / Μιχάλη Σιγανίδη
37. Don’t be shy / Γ. Κοντραφούρης
38. The fam’ d Italian masters : music for trumpets and strungs from the Italian Baroque / Crispian Steele-Perkins, Alison Balsom (trumpets)
39. Preludio a un altro giorno ; La pisanelle ; Rondo veneziano ; L’Edipo Re di Sofocle / Ildebrando Pizzetti
40. Symphonies No.1 in D & No.2 in E flat / Sergei Bortkiewicz
41. L’allegro, il Penseroso ed il moderato / G.F. Handel
42. Mass for double choir / Frank Martin
43. Piano music / Villa-Lobos
44. Debussy songs
45. Piano quintet / Schnittke
46. Cello quintets (2 vols) / Boccherini
47. Tone poems / Franz Berwald
48. Clarinet concertos Opp.35,36,91 / Franz Krommer
49. Clarinet evergreens / Budapest Clarinet Quintet
50. Clarinet concertos nos.1,2 / Carl Maria von Weber
51. Nonet ; oboe quintet / Arnold Bax
52. La folia : variations on a theme / Corelli ... [et al.]
53. Missa Salve Regina / Jean Langlais
54. La procession : 80 years of French song / Stephen Varcoe (baritone)
55. Symphnony no.2 / Schumann
56. Pagan symphony / Bantock
57. Energy ; Four temperaments / Robert Simpson
58. Symphony in D / Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga
59. Medea ; Nuits ; Knephas / Xenakis
60. Piano concerto no.1 in C major / Weber
61. British light music classics (2 vols.) / New London Orchestra
62. The complete songs / Gabriel Faure
63. Berliner mass / Avro Part
64. Sappho / Granville Bantock
65. Piano concerto in B major, Op.10 / Huss
66. Piano concerto no.1 in F sharp minor / Balakirev
67. The passing of Beatrice / William Wallace
68. A feather on the breath of God / Abbess Hildegard of Bingen
69. Missa Sao Sebastiano / Villa-Lobos
70. The complete organ music / Maurice Durufle
71. The songs of Henri Duparc
72. The Devil’s trill and other violin sonatas / Tartini
73. Wind quintets, Op.88 & 91/ Reicha
74. Wind quintets, Op.67 nos.1-3 / Franz Danzi
75. Imperial fanfares / Monteverdi, Lully, Salieri
76. Wind quintets, Op.100 / Antoine Reicha
77. Wind quintets, Op.68 / Franz Danzi
78. Ballads for saxophone and orchestra / Tomasi … [et al]
79. Symphony no.2 / Schumann
80. Clarinet evergreens / Budapest Clarinet Quintet
81. Glass harmonica / Thomas Bloch
82. 3 preludes ; 6 songs / Gershwin
83. Alphorn concertos / Leopold Mozart, Jean Daetwyler, Ferenc Farkas
84. Complete chamber music (vol.3) / Poulenc
85. Sonatas for wind quartet / Rossini
86. For his Majestys sagbutts and cornets : English music from Henry VIII to Charles II / His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornets
87. Music for double bass and piano (vol.1) / Bottesini
88. British tuba concertos / Vaugham, Gregson, Steptoe, Golland
89. Russian chant for vespers / Novospassky Monastery Choir
90. Chamber music / Toru Takemitsu
91. Latin American classics / Festival Orchestra of Mexico
92. French music for harp and strings / Debussy … [et al]
93. Russian favourites / Red Army Choir
94. Clarinet quintet, Op.34 / Weber
95. Instrumental concertos / Donizetti
96. Italian harp music / Clementi.. [et al]
97. 20th century music for flute and orchestra / Sallinen, Takemitsu, Penderecki
98. Grande messe des morts / Gossec
99. Flute sonatas, BWV 1020, 1030, 1033, 1035 / J.S. Bach
100. Ondes Martenot / Thomas Bloch
101. Dance preludes / Witold Lutoslawski
102. Piano concerto No.1, Op.87 / Henri Herz
103. Serenade for wind / Dvorak
104. Tango goes symphony / Piazzolla, Plaza, Gade, Porter
105. Csardas : hungarian gypsy music / Ferenc Santa and his Gypsy Band
106. The Contrabandista ; The Foresters / Arthur Sullivan
107. Wind quintets Op.56, nos.1-3 / Franz Danzi
108. Piano septet No.1 in D minor, Op.74 : for piano, flute, oboe, horn, viola, cello and orchestra / Johann Nepomuk Hummel
109. Partitas for wind ensemble (3 cd) / Franz Kromer
110. Chill with Ravel
111. Music for saxophone and orchestra / Theodore Kerzekos (saxophone)
112. Music for saxophone and orchestra / Sohre Rahbari (saxophone)
113. Piano concertos Nos.2 and 4 / Giovanni Paisiello
114. The Prodigal son ; Boer war Te Deum / Sir Arthur Sullivan
115. Clarinet quintets / Thea King (clarinet)
116. Phaedra, Op.93 / Benjamin Britten
117. The Geisha / Sidney Jones
118. Aminta e Fillide / Handel
119. Cantatas / Berlioz
120. Triodion / Avro Part
121. Wind quintets / Reicha
122. Concerto gor violin and wind orchestra, Op.12 / Kurt Weill
123. Clarinet concertos / Thea King (clarinet)
124. Tiresias ; Pomona / Constant Lambert
125. Music de table / Telemann
126. Russian folksongs / Patriarchal Choir, Moscow
127. The songs of Ernest Chausson
128. His Majestys Sugbutts and cornets grand tour : music from 16nth and 17nth century Italy, Spain and Germany
129. Clarinet concertos / Crusell
130. Suites for organ, violin and cello / Joseph Rheinberger
131. The string sonatas / Rossini
132. String quartet in F major “From the Welsh Hills” / Rutland Boughton
133. Songs by Bizet / Ann Murray, Graham Johnson
134. The chamber music (3 cd) / Malcolm Arnold
135. String quartets / Verdi, Strauss
136. English clarinet concertos / Arnold, Britten, Maconchy
137. Six favourite concertos for the organ, harpsichord or pianoforte / Thomas Arne
138. English music for brass / Elgar, Ireland, Vaughan Williams
139. Music for organ and brass / Arthur Wills, organ
140. Regne amour : love songs from the operas / Rameau
141. Clarinet concertos, nos.1,2 / Spohr
142. Organ concertos / Handel
143. The folksong arrangements / Britten
144. The immortal hour / Rutland Boughton
145. The clarinet in concert / Thea King, clarinet
146. Symphonies and symphonic poems / Mili Balakirev
147. An ode for St. Cecilia’s day / Handel
148. Italian baroque trumpet music / Albrici … [et al]
149. Clarinet concertos / Stanford, Finzi
150. Parade / Satie
151. Nonet / Arnold Bax
152. Piano concertos, nos.1,7,8 / Herz
153. Clarinet quintet in B flat major / Carl Maria von Weber
154. Preludes and choruses from Zarzuelas / Chapi … [et al]
155. Opera arias / Schubert
156. Three string quartets / Hummel
157. Music for flute / Villa-Lobos
158. Music for flute / Koechlin
159. Concertos for the Kingdom of the two Sicilies / Durante … [et al]
160. From the steeples and the mountains / London Gabrieli Brass Ensemble
161. Clarinet quintets / Crusell
162. Il Duello amoroso / Handel
163. Clairieres dans le ciel / Lili Boulanger
164. Masterpieces of Portuguese polyphony / Lobo, Magalhaes
165. Music for horn and fortepiano / Carl Czerny
166. Clarinet quintets / Somervell, Jacob
167. Nonets / Parry , Stanford
168. Stabat Mater ; Salve Regina ; Sonata for organ / Domenico Scarlatti
169. Sonatas for violin & basso for the harpsichord, Op.2 : arrangement for violin and organ / Antonio Vivaldi
170. Music for oboe ; Music for piano / Britten
171. 20/20 A celebration of our first 20 years as look to the future / The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music
172. Symphony Nr. 4 / Gustav Mahler
173. Good morning Babylone / Nicola Piovani
174. Missa tempore paschali / Nicolas Gombert
175. Suite from the opera “The Nose”, Op.15A / Dimitri Shostakovich
176. Impromtus, Op.90 D.899 / Franz Schubert
177. The colours of sound / Brigham Young University Chamber Orchestra
178. The blue quitar / Michael Tippett
179. In den Stunden des Neumonds / Nikolaj Roslavec
180. Dances from Terpsichore (1612) / Praetorius
181. Christmas carols and hymns of the XVth century / Pro Cantione Antiqua
182. String quartet No.1 / Debussy
183. La chasse et autres chansons / Janequin
184. Piano sonatas nos.16-19, 21-23, 26 / Beethoven
185. Missa Aeterna Christi munera / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
186. Missa « L’homme arme » / Johannes Ockeghem
187. Missa « Se la face ay pale / Guillaume Dufay
188. Sonatine ; Valses nobles et sentimentales ; Gaspar de la nuit / Maurice Ravel
189. Solo guitar music performed on 19th century guitar / Mauro Giuliani
190. Les temps des Gitans / Goran Bregovic
191. Between two worlds / Thuring Bram
192. Mazurkas / Chopin
193. Motets & chansons / Philippe de Vitry
194. Erwartung ; five pieces for orchestra ; Die Gluckliche hand / Arnold Schoenber
195. Violin concertos / Bruch, Brahms
196. Motets, hymns, missa pro defunctis / Pedro de Escobar
197. Lieder / Schubert
198. Requiem / Pierre de la Rue
199. Messe de tournai / Ensemble Organum
200. Ayres & lute lessons / Dowland
201. Works for piano / Mossolov
202. Missa de Beata virgine / Josquin Desprez
203. Musique de Ioye /Hesperion XX
204. Trecento : musique italienne du XIVe siecle / Berry Hayward Consort
205. The complete paino works, vol.4 / Robert Schumann
206. Contrabasso classico / Gerd Reinke
207. Piano concertos, nos 22, 23 / W.A. Mozart
208. La petit negre ; La plus que lente ; Douze arabesque / Claude Debussy
209. Sonate No.11, Op.960 / Franz Schubert
210. Gloria ; Dixit Dominus ; Magnificat / Antonio Vivaldi
211. Symphonies Nos.401, 41 / W.A. Mozart
212. Kurie and Gloria (Missa Se la face ay pale) / Guillaume Dufay
213. Perotin and the Ars antiqua / The Hilliard Ensemble
214. Magnificat anima mea / Provenzale, Salvatore, Nola, Dentice
215. Wanderer-Fantasie D.760 / Schubert
216. Messe Ave Maris Stella / Josquin Desprez
217. Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae / Josquin Desprez
218. Ultreia sur la route de Saint-Jacques deCompostelle / Polyphonia Antiqua
219. Lyrae Cantus live at Fortezza Castele-Rethymno
220. For Ockeghem / The Hilliard Ensemble
221. Antoine Brumel / The Hilliard Ensemble
222. Υμνοι και θρήνοι της Αλώσεως / Σύλλογος προς Διάδοσιν της Εθνικής Μουσικής
223. Η Ακολουθία του Ακάθιστου ύμνου / Σύλλογος προς Διάδοσιν της Εθνικής Μουσικής

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