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Δημοσίευση: 11-09-2008 18:57 | Προβολές: 1217


1. Review of radio science 1996-1999 / W. Ross Stone (ed.)
2. Beni musicali, musica, musicologia / Enrico Careri
3. Concert music, rock, and jazz since 1945 : essays and analytical studies / Elizabeth West Marvin, Richard Hermann (eds)
4. Jazz : form its origins to the present / Lewis Porter, Michael Ullman, Ed Hazell
5. L’orgue souvenir et avenir / Jean Guillou
6. Regards sur l’opera-comique : trios siecles de vie theatrale / Raphaelle Legrand, Nicole Wild
7. Le costituzioni della musica / Paolo Emilio Carapezza
8. Between therapist and client : the new relationship / Michael Kahn
9. Il falsobordone : fra tradizione orale e tradizione scritta / Ignazio Macchiarella
10. Giovanni Paisiello : e la cultura Europea del suo tempo / Francesco Paolo Russo (ed.)
11. Una perfezione d’armonia meravigliosa : prassi cmbalo-organistica del basso continuo italiano dale origini all’inizio del XVIII secolo / Salvatore Carchiolo
12. Musica nel laboratorio elettroacoustico : lo studio di Fonologia di Milano e la reicerca musicale negli anni cinquanta / Nicola Scaldaferri
13. Software synthesizers : the definitive guide to virtual musical instruments / Jim Aikin (ed.)
14. Vita di Maria Callas / Carla Verga
15. Universi del suono : scritti e interventi 1955-1994 / Iannis Xenakis
16. Αποτίμηση βιβλιοθηκών : εισηγήσεις συνεδρίου / Τ.Ε.Ι. Θεσσαλονίκης. Βιβλιοθήκη
17. Νικόλαος Χαλικιόπουλος-Μάντζαρος : «Ενότητα μέσα στην πολλαπλότητα» / Κώστας Καρδάμης
18. Ο αποτελεσματικός δάσκαλος : στρατηγικές διδασκαλίας και μάθησης, δεξιότητες διαπροσωπικής επικοινωνίας, τεχνικές διαχείρισης και παρέμβασης / Thomas Gordon
19. Και τι τραγούδι να σου πω - : αρέκιες και γιούλια /Στέλιος Τζερμπίνος (επιμ.)
20. Η μουσική στην εκπαίδευση : το δίλημμα της διεπιστημονικότητας / Σμαράγδα Χρυσοστόμου
21. Τραγουδώντας λέξεις : από την θεωρία στην τάξη / Ε. Μακροπούλου, Δ. Βαρελάς
22. Αναπνοή μάσκα / Σωκράτης Ανθης
23. Η ζωή σ’ επίπεδο μορίων : ίδε ο άνθρωπος / Αλέξανδρος Σταυρόπουλος
24. Ο σοσιαλιστικός ρεαλισμός στην ελληνική τέχνη : κοινωνικό όραμα και αισθητικοί συμβιβασμοί / Κώστας Μπαρουτάς
25. Στα πύρινα χρόνια 1940-1949 : λαϊκών αγώνων αναπαραστάσεις / Βάγια Κ. Παπακόγκου
26. Δημώδη άσματα Αρετσούς / Μαρία Ασβέστη
27. Το ελληνικό θέατρο από τον 17ο στον 20ο αιώνα : πρακτικά Α’ πανελλήνιου θεατρολογικού συνεδρίου / Ιωσήφ Βιβιλάκης (επιμ.)
28. Το τέλος του Γιόχαν Σεμπάστιαν Μπαχ : απόδραση από τη ναζιστική Γερμανία : ιστορικό μυθιστόρημα / Χρήστος Θ. Παπαδημητρίου
29. Experiencing jazz / Richard J. Lawn
30. La filologia musicale : instituzioni, storia, strumenti critici / Maria Caraci Vela
31. Vincenzo Bellini 1801-2001 / Roberto Carnevale (ed.)
32. Petrarca in musica : atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Arezzo, 18-20 Marzo 2004 / Andrea Chegai, Cecilia Luzzi (ed.)
33. Musica se extendit ad omnia : studi di onore di Alberto Basso in occasione del suo 75o compleano / Rosy Moffa, Sabrina Saccomani (ed.)
34. Concise guide to jazz / Mark C. Gridley
35. Varieta d’harmonia et d’affetto : scritti in onore di Giovanni Marzi per il LXX compleano / Antonio Delfino (ed.)
36. Mozart e i musicisti italiani del suo tempo / Annalisa Bini (ed.)
37. Η αρχαία ελληνική μουσική στο πλαίσιο της αρχαίας ελληνικής ποίησης : συμβολή στην ιστορία του ελληνορωμαϊκού πολιτισμού / Egert Poehlmann, Ιωάννα Σπηλιοπούλου
38. The muse as eros : music, erotic fantasy and male creativity in the romantic and modern imagination / Stephen Downes
39. Verdi’s Aida : a record of the life of the opera on and off the stage / Clyde T. McCants
40. Μπαρόκ και σύγχρονο φαγκότο : εκτελεστική πρακτική στο έργο του A. Vivaldi [Διδακτορική Διατριβή] / Βασίλης Πριόβολος
41. Opera from the Greek : studies in the poetics of appropriation / Michael Ewans
42. Singing in style : a guide to vocal performance practices / Martha Elliott
43. Ricahrd Wagner and the jews / Milton E. Brener
44. Keyboard duets from the 16th to the 20th century for one and two pianos : an introduction / Howard Ferguson
45. Aesthetics and cognition in Kant’s critical philosophy / Rebecca Kukla (ed.)
46. Butcher’s copy-editing : the Cambridge handbook for editors, copy-editors and proffreaders / Judith Butcher, Caroline Drake, Maureen Leach
47. Ottaviano Petrucci : catalogue raisonne / Stanley Boorman
48. Piano roles : a new history of the piano / James Parakilas .. [et al.]
49. What to listen for in jazz / Barry Kernfeld
50. Etudes for piano teachers : reflections on the teacher’s art / Stewart Gordon
51. Tha divine order / music and the visual arts from antiquity to the 18th century / Peter Vergo
52. Music, performance, meaning : selected essays / Nicholas Cook
53. Reel music : exploring 100 years of film music / Roger Hickman
54. Duke Ellington : jazz composer / Ken Rattenbury
55. Gershwin “Rhapsody in blue” / David Schiff
56. Edgar Varese : composer sound sculptor visionary / Felix Meyer, Heidy Zimmermann (eds.)
57. Organ restoration reconsidered : proceedings of a Colloquium / John R. Watson (ed.)
58. The Cambridge companion to the concerto / Simon P. Keefe
59. Music distribution and the internet : a legal guide for the music business / Andrew Sparrow
60. Stage fright, animals, and other theatrical problems / Nicholas Ridout
61. The George Gershwin reader / Robert Wyatt and John Andrew Johnson
62. The Cambridge companion to Schumann / Beate Perrey (ed.)
63. French symbolist poetry and the idea of music / Joseph Acquisto
64. Olivier Messiaen : music, art and literature / Christopher Dingle, Nigel Simeone (eds.)
65. Inside the ring : essays on Wagner’s opera cycle / John Louis DiGaetani (ed.)
66. C.P.E. Bach studies / Annette Richards (ed.)
67. Boccherini’s body : an essay in carnal musicology / Elisabeth Le Guin
68. Guide to chamber music / Melvin Berger
69. Steve Lacy conversations / Jason Weiss (ed.)
70. The endurance of nationalism / Aviel Roshwald
71. The hidden sense : synesthesia in art and science / Cretien van Campen
72. Universities in the Middle Ages / H. De Ridder-Symoens (ed.)
73. The Schenker project : culture, race, and music theory in fin-de-siecle Vienna / Nicholas Cook
74. Gender and aesthetics : an introduction / Carolyn Korsmeyer
75. The Cambridge companion to Renaissance philosophy / James Hankins (ed.)
76. Perceiving the arts : an introduction to the humanities / Dennis J. Sporre
77. The gramophone classical music guide 2008 / James Jolly (ed.)
78. Schoenberg’s musical imagination / Michael Cherlin
79. The discourse of musicology / Giles Hooper
80. Theory and practice in late 19th century violin performance : an examination of style in performance, 1850-1900 / David Milson
81. A century of recorded music : listening to musical history / Timothy Day
82. Text and act : essays on music and performance / Richard Taruskin
83. Schubert in the European imagination (Vol.1). The romantic and Victorian eras / Scott Messing
84. Ο μαγικός ήχος της σιωπής / Μαρία Αργυρίου
85. Painting the Cannon’s Roar : music, the visual arts and the rise of an attentive public in the age of Haydn / Thomas Tolley
86. “To fill, forbear, or adorne” : the organ accompaniment of restoration sacred music / Rebecca Herissone
87. Passionate practice : the musican’s guide to learnig, memorizing and performing / Margaret Elson
88. Kierkegaard’s relations to Hegel reconsidered / Jon Stewart
89. Getting it : a guide to understanding and appreciating art / Becky Hendrick
90. Taking popular music seriously : selected essays / Simon Frith
91. The music practitioner : research for the music performer, teacher and listener / Jane W. Davidson
92. Ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού στο μετανεωτερικό σχολείο : προσδοκίες, προοπτικές, όρια, στάσεις και αντιλήψεις των εκπαιδευτικών ως προς τη διδακτική τους ετοιμότητα / Φωτεινή Κοσσυβάκη
93. Mastering the art of performance : a primer for musicians / Stewart Gordon
94. New directions in aesthetics, creativity and the arts / Paul Locher (ed.)
95. Evolutionary and neurocognitive approaches to aesthetics, creativity and the arts / Colin Martindale (ed.)
96. E.T.A. Hoffmann’s musical aesthetics / Abigail Chantler
97. Performing music in tha age of recording / Robert Philip
98. The ballets of Maurice Ravel : creation and interpretation / Deborah Mawer
99. Playing with history / John Butt
100. French cultural politics and music : from Dreyfus affair to the first World War / Jane F. Fulcher
101. Musical works and performances : a philosophical exploration / Stephen Davies
102. Statistics in musicology / Jan Beran
103. Empirical musicology : aims, methods, prospects / Eric Clarke, Nicholas Cook (ed.)
104. The Don Giovanni moment : essays on the legacy of an opera / Lydia Goehr, Daniel Herwitz (eds.)
105. Arts and humanities through the Eras (5 vols)
106. Art and science / Eliane Strosberg
107. The winds of change : the evolution of the contemporary American wind band/ ensemble and its conductor / Frank L. Battisti
108. The gendered score : music in 1940s melodrama and the woman’s film / Heather Lang
109. The mechanical muse : the piano, pianism and piano music, c.1760-1850 / Derek Carew
110. The science of harmonics in classical Greece / Andrew Barker
111. Papers in philosophical logic / David Lewis
112. Papers in metaphysics and epistemology / David Lewis
113. Changing tunes : the use of pre-existing music in film / Phil Powrie, Robynn Stilwell (eds)
114. Music theory and natural order : from the Renaissance to the early 20th century / Suzannah Clark, Alexander Rehding (eds)
115. Visible deeds of music : art and music from Wagner to Cage / Simon Shaw-Miller
116. Musical biography : towards new paradigms / Jolanta T. Pekacz (ed.)
117. The performance of Italian basso continuo : style in keyboard accompaniment in the 17th and 18th centuries / Giulia Nuti
118. The Cambridge companion to Adorno / Tom Huhn (ed.)
119. Cosimo I de’ Medici : and his self- presentation in Florentine art and culture / Henk Th. Van Veen
120. German modernism : music and the arts / Walter Frisch
121. Stravinsky : the Rite of Spring / Peter Hill
122. The art of teaching piano : the classic guide and reference book for all piano teachers : Denes Agay (ed.)
123. Nadia and Lili Boulanger / Caroline Potter
124. Introduction to early Medieval notation / Constantin Floros
125. Music after Hitler, 1945-1955 / Toby Thacker
126. The music of Mauricio Kagel / Bjorn Jeile
127. Violin technique and performing practice in the late 18th and early 19th centuries / Robin Stowell
128. Richard Strauss : der griechische Germane / Ulrich Taddt (ed.)
129. L’ attivita musicale negli ospedali di Venezia nel settecento / Pier Giuseppe Gillio
130. Medieval music making and the “Roman de Fauvel” / Emma Dillon
131. Metaphysics : a contemporary introduction / Michael J. Loux
132. Literary modernism and musical aesthetics : Pater, Pound, Joyce, and Stein / Brad Bucknell
133. Medieval music and the art of memory / Anna Maria Berger
134. Monteverdi’s unruly women : the power of song in early modern Italy / Bonnie Gordon
135. Quotation and cultural meaning in 20th century music / David Metzer
136. The aesthetics of mimesis : ancient texts and modern problems / Stephen Halliwell
137. The musician as interpreter / Paul Thom
138. The reception of Bach’s organ works : from Mendelssohn to Brahms / Russsell Stinson
139. Hugo Wolf and his Morike songs / Susan Youens
140. Musical performance : aguide to understanding / John Rink (ed.)
141. Bach performance practice, 1945-1975 : a comprehensive review of sound recordings and literature / Dorottya Fabian
142. The opaque decanter : words to the music of painting / James E. Dammann
143. Music law : how to tun your band’s business / Anthony Rich Stim
144. Luifi Dallapiccola nel suo secolo : atti del Convegno internazionale Firenze, 10-12 Dicembre 2004 / Fiamma Nicolodi (ed.)
145. Computers, education and special needs / E. Paul Goldenberg … [et la.]
146. Elizabeth Stirling and the musical life of female organists in 19th century England / Judith Barger
147. The marching band handbook / Kim R. Holston (ed.)
148. Early musical borrowing / Honey Meconi
149. Europe empire and spectacle in 19th century British music
150. Vincent Novello (1781-1861) : music for the masses / Fiona M. Palmer
151. Hugo Riemann and the birth of modern though / Alexander Rehding
152. The singing of the New World : indigenous voice in the era of European contact / Gary Tomlinson
153. Music, philosophy, and modernity / Andrew Bowie
154. On Quine : new essays / Paolo Leonardi, Marco Santambrogio (ed.)
155. The house that Trane built : the story of Impulse records / Ashley Kahn
156. Music criticism in Vienna 1896-1897 : critically moving forms / Sandra McColl
157. Symbolic worlds : art, science, language, ritual / Israel Scheffler
158. The modern invention of Medieval music : scholarship, ideology, performance / Daniel Leech-Wilkinson
159. Gustav Mahler und die Oper / Constantin Floros (ed.)
160. Practical piano pedagogy : the definitive text for piano teachers and pedagogy students / Martha Baker-Jordan
161. The art of oboe playing / Robert Sprenkle, David Ledet
162. Professional piano teaching : a comprehensive piano pedagogy textbook for teaching elementary-level students / Janine M. Jacobson
163. The art of pedalling : two classic guides / Anton Rubinstein, Teresa Carreno
164. The art of piano playing : a scientific approach / George Kochevitsky
165. Making music at the piano : learning stradegies for adult students / Barbara English Maris
166. The Leschetizky method : a guide to fine and correct piano playing / Malwine Bree

1. Multansky great Polyeleos / Choir of the Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent
2. “Over there, Behind that hill…” : Serbian patriotic songs / Choir of the Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent
3. RedAsla : red de arte sonoro latinoamericano / Rodrigo Sigal
4. 15th Annual IASJ Jazz meeting, Krakow 2005
5. MTI Bouquet of sounds / Simon Atkinson
6. AMEE 20 : 20 aniversario de la Asociacion de Musica Electroacoustica de Espana
7. La fourmi / Doran … [et al.]
8. Side show tim / Cerberus with Walter Thompson
9. Space within / Rodrigo Sigal
10. Epoque de l’eau / Theodore Lotis
11. «Συλλογή» / Χρήστος Σταματίου

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