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Δημοσίευση: 13-01-2009 17:23 | Προβολές: 1071


1. Due secoli di musica al teatro Argentina / Mario Rinaldi
2. Mozart, Padova e la Betulia Liberata : committenza, interpretazione e fortuna delle azion sacre metastasiane nel ʽ700 / Paolo Pinamonti (ed.)
3. Fra cinema e musica del novecento: il caso Nino Rota : dai do*****enti / Francesco Lombardi
4. Esordi del melodrama in Spagna, Portogallo e America : Ciacomo Facco e le cerimonie del 1729 / Annibale Cetrangolo
5. The versatile clarinet / Roger Heaton (ed.)
6. Music and the cultures of print / Kate van Orden (ed.)
7. Music and Marx : ideas, practice, politics / Regula Burckhardt Qureshi (ed.)
8. Musicology : the key concepts / David Beard, Kenneth Gloag
9. Classical and Romantic performance practice, 1750-1900 / Clive Brown
10. La nuova ricerca sullʼ opera di Luigi Nono
11. Antonio Vivaldi : teatro musicale cultura e societa / Lorenzo Bianconi e Giovanni Morelli (ed.)
12. Medea in Corinto di Felice Romani : storia, fonti e tradizioni / Paolo Russo
13. Verdi 2001 : atti del convegno internazionale Parma – New York – New Haven, 24 gennaio – 1 febbraio 2001 / Fabrizio Della Seta, Roberta Montemorra Mavrin, Marco Marica (ed.)
14. Δημοτικές μελωδίες από τα χειρόγραφα του Νικολάου Φαρδύ / Μάρκος Φ. Δραγούμης
15. Τραγούδια και σκοποί στην Κω / Γεώργιος Ι. Χατζηθεοδώρου
16. The idea of history / R.G. Collingwood
17. Thought and reality / Michael Dummett
18. Four dimensionalism : an ontology of persistence and time / Theodore Sider
19. Vincenzo Bellini : verso lʼedizione critica / Fabrizio Della Seta, Simonetta Ricciardi (ed.)
20. Padre Martini : musica e cultura nes settecento europeo / Angelo Pompilio (ed.)
21. Creature di Prometeo : il ballo teatrale. Dal divertimento al drama : studi offerti a Aurel M. Milloss / Giovanni Morelli (ed.)
22. Gaetano Donizetti : vita e opera di un musicista romantico / Guglielmo Barblan, Bruno Zanolini
23. Metastasio e il mondo musicale / Maria Teresa Muraro (ed.)
24. Musica e cultura a Napoli dal XV al XIX secolo / Lorenzo Bianconi e Renato Bossa (ed.)
25. Opera & libretto II
26. Geschichte der Musik (7 bd.)/ Carl Dahlhaus (hrg.)
27. Gesammelte Schriften im 10 Banden / Carl Dahlhaus
28. Epistolario Vol.1 / Pietro Mascagni
29. Catalogo tematico delle composizioni tatrali di Antonio Salieri : gli autografi / Elena Biggi Parodi
30. Tartini, le sue idée e il suo tempo / Pierluigi Petrobelli
31. Classical form : a theory of formal functions for the instrumental music of Haydn, Mazart, and Beethoven / William E. Caplin
32. Analysis of tonal music : a Schenkerian approach / Allen Cadwallader, David Gagne
33. Tonal pitch space / Fred Lerdahl
34. Le carte della Scala : storie di impresario e appaltatori teatrali (1778-1860) / Remo Giazotto
35. Musica strumentale dellʼ Ottocento italiano / Guido Salvetti (ed.)
36. Opera comica e opera-comique al Teatro Arciducale di Monza (1778-1795) / Francesca Bascialli
37. Felice Romani librettista / Alessandro Roccatagliati
38. Ascanio in Alba : festa teatrale in due parti / Associazione Musica Rara
39. Socialismo a passo di valzer : storia dei violinisti braccianti di Santa Vittoria / Carmelo Mario Lanzafame
40. La recezione di Pelestrina in Europa fino allʼOttocento / Rodobaldo Tibaldi (ed.)
41. Iconografia musicale nei musei torinesi / Christina Santarelli
42. Monche, Burger, Minnesanger : die Musik in der Welt des Mittelalters / Peter Gulke
43. LʼEsemlare, o sia, Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto : Padre Martini teorico e didatta della musica / Elisabetta Pasquini
44. Lʼopera tra Venezia e Parigi / Maria Teresa Muraro (ed.)
45. Didattica della storia della musica : atti del convegno internazionale (Firenze, 29 novembre – 1 dicembre 1985) / Sergio Miceli, Mario Sperenzi (ed.)
46. Teatro musicale a Accademie a Perugia : tra dominazione francese e restaurazione (1801-1830) / Biancamaria Brumana
47. Malipiero - Maderna, 1973-1993 / Paolo Cattelan (ed.)
48. I fratelli dʼOrfeo : Gluck e il teatro musicale massonico tra Vienna e Parigi / Gerardo Tocchini
49. Galuppiana 1985 : studi e ricerche / Maria Teresa Muraro, Franco Rossi (ed.)
50. La musica strumentale nel 1800 a Genova : fonti e do*****enti / Leopoldo Gamberini
51. Le parafrasi pianistiche Verdiane : nellʼeditoria italiana dellʼOttocento / Pier Paol De Martino
52. La raccolta di libretti dʼopera del teatro San Carlo di Napoli / Marta Columbro
53. Der schone Suden Deutschlands / Hellmut Hell
54. Griechische Vasenmalerei / Ernst Buschor
55. Das Tagebuch / Johann Wolfgang Goethe
56. Geschichte der Kunst : von der Altchrislichen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart / Richard Hamann
57. Dichtugen und Schriften sowie Briefe und Tagebucher : Gesamtausgabe in funfzehn Banden / E.T.A Hoffmann
58. Albrecht Durer als Maler / Johannes Beer
59. Der Stille Garten : deutsche Maler des ersten und zweiten drittels des 19. Jahrhunderts
60. Burgerbauten : aus vier Jahrhundert deutscher Vergangenheit
61. Deutscher Barock : die grossen Baumeister des 18. Jahrhunderts / Wilhelm Pinder
62. Otto Magnus von Stackelberg : der Entdecker der griechischen Landschaft, 1786-1837 / Gerhart Rodenwaldt
63. Praha ocima staleti / Vaclav Hlavsa
64. Olympia / Manolis Andronicos
65. Alte deutsche Stadte in Ansichten aus drei Jahrhunderten
66. Im Zauber der griechischen Landschaft / Nikos Kazantzakis
67. Drawings : 12 artists from Berlin : a travelling exhibition, 1985/86
68. The Cambridge companion to Mahler / Jeremy Barham (ed.)
69. The Cambridge companion to ballet / Marion Kant (ed.)
70. The Cambridge companion to Haydn / Caryl Clark (ed.)


1. Stabat Mater : for soprano & contralto soli, SA & orchestra / Pergolesi
2. Stabat Mater : for female voices and strings / Pergolesi
3. Messe basse & other sacred works : for female or boysʼ voices / Gabriel Faure
4. The passion of Our Lord according to S. Matthew / J.S. Bach
5. Ceremony of Psalms : for baritone solo, chorus, and orchestra / David Will*****s
6. 2eme sonate pour piano / Pierre Boulez
7. Σπονδές : 3 κομμάτια για πιάνο / Νίκος Ντρέλας
8. Παιάν : 3 κομμάτια για φλάουτο / Νίκος Ντρέλας
9. Sonates (11 vols) / Domenico Scarlati
10. Mass in G / Franz Schubert
11. Ein deutsches Requiem, Op.45 / Johannes Brahms
12. Cloria RV 589 : vocal score / Antonio Vivaldi
13. Master choruses : mixed voices, sacred / Hugh Ross … [et al.]
14. War requiem / Benjamin Britten
15. Requiem KV 626 / W.A. Mozart
16. Te Deum, Op.103 / A. Dvorak
17. Four songs of Ben Jonson : for unaccompanied mixed chorus / David Blake
18. What is the cause? : for SSATBar.B soli or chorus (unaccompanied) / David Blake
19. The almanack : for SATB (unaccompanied) / Blake
20. Lamentations for five voices / Thomas Tallis
21. Christus am Olberge : Oratorium fur Soli, Chor und Orchester, Op.85 / L. van Beethoven
22. Επιλογή ΙΙ ¨62 μελωδίες παραδοσιακής εκκλησιαστικής μουσικής για τετράφωνη ανδρική χορωδία / εναρμόνιση Βασίλης Γ. Καρποδίνης
23. Ave Maria : fur vierstimmigen gemischten Chor und Orgel / Giacchino Rossini
24. Mass in G, D.167 : fur Soli, Chor, Orchester und Orgel / Franz Schubert
25. Creation : an oratorio for soprano, tenor & bass soli, SATB & orchestra / J. Haydn
26. O come, let us sing unto the Lord : eighth chandos anthem for tenor solo, SATB & orchestra / G.F. Handel
27. Die sieben Worte des Erlosers : Klavierauszug / Joseph Haydn
28. The sixty-seventh psalm : for full chorus or mixed voices a capella / Charles E. Ives
29. In ieiunio et fletu : matins responsory, first Sunday in Lent for SAATB / Thomas Tallis
30. Mass for four voices / William Byrd
31. Liedrkreis fur Singstimme und Klavier, Opus 24 / Robert Schumann
32. Vier Stucke Opus 5 fur Klarinette und Klavier / Alban Berg
33. Requiem : fur vier Solostimmen chor und Orchester / G. Verdi
34. Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11 / Gabriel Faure
35. Missa super “Aller mi faut [sur] la verdure” / Franciscos Leondaritis
36. Quattro pezzi sacri / G. Verdi
37. Miserere / Francesco Scarlatti
38. Mass (1988) : for choir and organ / Klatzow
39. Missa in C “ Kronungsmesse”, KV 317 / W.A. Mozart
40. Missa in B, KV 275 (272b) / W.A. Mozart
41. Seven part-songs : for female voices & strings / Gustav Holst
42. Gloria, RV 589 / Antonio Vivaldi
43. Ave Maria / Bach-Gounod
44. Klaviersonate Nr.15 D-dur Opus 28 “Pastorale” / L. van Beethoven
45. Klaviersonate G-dur Opus 31 Nr.1 / L. van Beethoven
46. Klaviersonaten Opus 49 Nr.1 und 2 / L. van Beethoven
47. Klaviersonate Nr.17 d-moll Opus 31 Nr.2 “Sturm” / L van Beethoven
48. Sonatine G-dur Opus 79 / L. van Beethoven
49. Ecossaisen / L. van Beethoven
50. Klavierkonzert Nr.4 G-dur Opus 58 : Klavierauszug / L. van Beethoven
51. Os Justi meditabitur sapientiam / A. Bruckner
52. The silver swan / Orlando Gibbons
53. Το ταξίδι / Σπ. Κ. Μαυρόπουλος
54. Messe basse / Gabriel Faure
55. Trois chansons de Charles dʼOrleans fur Altsolo und gemischten Chor a cappella / Claude Debussy
56. Choral symphony : last movement for soprano, alto, tenor & bass soli, SATB & orchestra / L. van Beethoven
57. Missa solennis (in D) / L. van Beethoven
58. Chichester psalms : for mixed choir (or male choir), boy solo and orchestra / Leonard Bernstein
59. Psalmus hungaricus, Op.13 / Zoltan Kodaly
60. Messe des pauvres : fur Chor und Orgel / Erik Satie
61. Missa in tempore belli in C / Joseph Haydn
62. Funeral sentences, with March and canzona for the funeral of Queen Mary / Henry Purcell
63. St. Nicholas mass / Modest Mussorgsky
64. Mass in D , Op.159 / John Gardner
65. Mass No.2 in E minor / Anton Bruckner
66. The binding : a biblical oratorio / Samuel Adler
67. Mass in C, and Christ on the mount of Olives / L. van Beethoven
68. Φωτόνυμον : για 20-φωνη χορωδία, τενόρο-ψάλτη και κρουστά / Μιχάλης Αδάμης
69. Six motets for upper voices / Faure & Saint-Saens
70. Mirjams Siegesgesang : Kantate fur Sopran-Solo, Chor und Klavier / Franz Schubert
71. Songs II : for mixed chorus / Toru Takemitsu
72. Λατινική λειτουργία /Γεράσιμος Βουτσινάς
73. Benedicite : for S.A.T.B. chorus, childrenʼs choir, and small orchestra / Andrew Carter
74. Mass : for choir, horn, marimba and strings / Peter Klatzow
75. Klaviersonaten (2 Bd.) / L. van Beethoven
76. Drei Variationennverle fur Klavier / L. van Beetohoven
77. Rondo C-dur Opus 51, Nr.1 / L. van Beethoven
78. Drei Klaviersonaten WoO 47 / L. van Beethoven
79. Samtliche Bagatellen / L van Beethoven
80. Tanze fur Klavier / L. van Beethoven
81. Klavierkonzert Nr.3 c-moll Opus 31 : Klavierauszug / L van Beethoven
82. Davidsbundlertanze Opus 6 / L van Beethoven


1. String quartets op.59,1 & 14,1 / L van Beethoven
2. String quartets op.59,2 & 95 / L. van Beethoven
3. String quartets op.127 & 132 / L. van Beethoven
4. String quartets op.18, 3 & 6 / L. van Beethoven
5. String quartets op.18, 2 & 5 / L. van Beethoven
6. String quartets op.18, 1 & 4 / L. van Beethoven
7. String quartets op.131 & 135 / L. van Beethoven
8. String quartet op.130 ; Great fugue op.133 / L. van Beethoven
9. Srting quintets op.88 & 111 / J. Brahms
10. String sextet op.36 ; String quartet op.51,1 / J. Brahms
11. Piano quintet op.34 / J. Brahms
12. String sextet op.18 ; String quartet op.67 / J. Brahms
13. Clarinet quintet op.115 ; String quartet op.51,2 / J. Brahms
14. Complete string quartets (4 vols) / Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
15. String quartets KV 428 & KV 464 / W.A. Mozart
16. String quartets KV 387 & KV 421 / W.A. Mozart
17. String quartets KV 575, KV 589, KV 590 / W.A. Mozart
18. Complete string quartets (9 vols) / Franz Schubert
19. Piano quintet D 667 ; String trios D 581 & D 111A / Franz Schubert
20. String quartets 1897 & no.1 / Arnold Schoenberg
21. String quartets nos.2 & 4 / Arnold Schoenberg
22. String quartet no.3 op.30 ; Verklarte Nacht op.40 (string sextet) / Arnold Schoenberg
23. Chamber music / Richard Strauss
24. Symphonies 2 & 3 ; Cantemire overture / Friedrich Ernst Fesca
25. String quartets (2 vols) / Andreas Romberg


1. The Art Ensemble of Chicago in concert
2. Eddie Jefferson in concert
3. Texas tenor : the Illinois Jacquet story
4. Calypso music history
5. The universal mind of Bill Evans : jazz pianist on the creative process and self-teaching
6. Sweet love bitter
7. Charles Mingus : Minus in Greenwich village
8. Legendary New Orleans musicians
9. The last of the blues story : the Kansas city jazz story
10. Sonny Rollins live at Laren. Ben Webster : Big Ben in Europe
11. Ornette Coleman Trio. Sound?
12. Zoot Sims Quartet in concert. Shellt Manne Quartet in concert
13. Sonny Criss & the L.A. Stars in concerts. Les McCann Trio in concert
14. Trane tracks : the legacy of John Coltrane
15. The James Dean story. Theme music played by Chet Baker
16. Duke Ellington in Hollywood
17. Dizzy Gillespie : jivinʼ in be-bop
18. Nat “King” Cole : soundies and telescriptions
19. Sarah Vaughan
20. Cab Calloway : “hi-de-ho” and other movies
21. Duke Ellington in Hollywood
22. Dizzy Gillespie : juvinʼ in be-bop
23. Sarah Vaughan
24. Cab Calloway : “hi-de-ho” and other movies
25. George Shearing
26. Dinah Washington
27. Billy Holiday : the life and artistry of lady day
28. Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown in New Orleans
29. Lennie Tristano : the Copenhagen concert
30. Eddi “Lockjaw” Davis Quartet in Europe 1985
31. Monterey Jazz Festival ʽ75
32. Duke Jordan Trio with Clark Terry : at Montmartre Jazzhus tribute to Ben Webster
33. Sonny Rollins. Carmen McRae
34. Paul Winter Sextet. Charles Lloyd Quartet
35. Louis Armstrong. Earl “Fatha” Hines
36. John Coltrane Quartet. Dave Brubeck Quartet
37. Louis Armstrong and friends, 1962
38. Woody Herman Band (1962, 1963)
39. Cannonball Adderley Quintet. Modern Jazz Quartet
40. Gerry Mulligan Quartet. Art Farmer & Jim Hall
41. Jimmy Witherspoon & Ben Webster. Jimmy Rushing
42. Dizzy Gillespie Quintet. Mel Torme & the Benny Barth Trio
43. Thad Jones & Mel Lewis Band. Woody Herman Band (1964)
44. B.B. King. Turk Murphy & the San Francisco Jazz Band

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