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Δημοσίευση: 18-03-2009 17:26 | Προβολές: 605

Material cultures: why some things matter/ Daniel Miller(ed.)
The art of art history: a critical anthology/ Donald Preziosi (ed.)
Markets from culture: institutional logics and organization decisions in higher education publishing/ Patricia H. Thornton
Acting with technology: activity theory and interaction design/ Victor Kaptelinin and Bonnie A. Nardi
Things that talk: object lessons from art and science/ Lorraine Daston (ed.)
Multimedia: from Wagner to virtual reality/ Randall Packer and Kan Jordan (ed.)
Museum studies: an anthology of contexts/ Bettina Messias Carbonell (ed.)
Museums: a place to work: planning museum careers/ Jane R. Glaser with Artemis A. Zenetou
Museum revolutions: how museums change and are changed/ Simon J. Knell, Suzanne MacLeod and Sheile Watson(ed.)
Philosophie et sciences a Byzance de 1204 a 1453/ M. Cacouros, M.-H. Congourdeau (ed.)
Designing exhibitions: museums, heritage trade, and world fairs/ Giles Velarde
Museum studies: an anthology of contexts/ Bettina Messias Carbonell (ed.)
The copyeditorʼs handbook: a guide for book publishing and corporate communications/ Amy Einsohn
Convergence and collaboration of campus information services/ Peter Hernon, Ronald R. Powell(ed.)
Information technology in librarianship: new critical approaches/ Gloria J. Leckie, John E. Buschman(ed.)
Museum marketing and strategy: designing mission building audiences generating revenue and resources/ Neil Kotler, Philip Kotler, Wendy I. Kotler
Scholarship in the digital age: information, infrastructure, and the internet/ Christine L. Borgman
Inside book publishing/ Giles Clark, Angus Phillips
Knowledge for generations: Wiley and the global publishing industry 1807-2007/ Timothy Curtis Jacobson και ά.
New media: a critical introduction/ Martin Lister και ά.
Understanding information/ Jack Meadows
Academic anthropology and the museum: back to the future/ Mary Bouquet(ed.)
Visual methods in social research/Marcus banks
Hands-on exhibitions: managing interactive museums and science centers/ Tim Caulton
Museum informatics: people, information, and technology in museums/ Paul F. Marty and Katherine Burton Jones
Formal ontology in information systems: proceeding of the third international conference (FOIS-2004)/ Achille C. Varzi, Laure Vieu (ed.)
Museums in the material world/ Simon J. Knell (ed.)
Judging a book by its cover: fans, publishers, designers, and the marketing of fiction/ Nicole Matthews, Nickianne Moody (ed.)
Communicating ideas: the politics of scholarly publishing/ Irving Louis Horowitz
Materiality/ Daniel Miller (ed.)
Libraries, the internet, and the scholarship/ Charles F. Thomas (ed.)
Introducing social semiotics/ Theo van Leeuwen
Qualitative research hypermedia: ethnography for the digital age/ Bella Dicks και ά.
Arts management/ Derrick Chong
Web studies/ David Gauntlett, Ross Horsley(ed.)

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