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Δημοσίευση: 30-09-2011 12:12 | Προβολές: 975


1. The Cambridge history of the Byzantine empire c.500-1492 / Jonathan Shepard (ed.)
2. Das junge Deutschland, 1917-1920 : Expressionist Theater in Berlin / Stephen Shearier
3. Opportunities in library and information science careers / Kathleen De La Pena McCook
4. The ontology of time / L. Nathan Oaklander
5. Reason, truth and history / Hilary Putnam
6. The French romantics / D.G. Charlton (ed.)
7. Cata;going sheet music : guidelines for use with AACR2 and the Marc format / Lois Schultz, Sarah Shaw
8. Art educational and human development / Howard Gardner
9. International handbook of research in arts education / Liora Bresler (ed.)
10. Aesthetics and subjectivity : from Kant to Nietzsche / Andrew Bowie
11. Naturalism and symbolism in European theatre, 1850-1918 / Claude Schumacher (ed.)
12. National theatre in Northern and Eastern Europe, 1746-1900 / Laurence Senelick (ed.)
13. Romantic and revolutionary theatre, 1789-1860 / Donald Roy (ed.)
14. Δέκα επιστολές προς εκείνους που τολμούν να διδάξουν / Paulo Freire
15. Plug and play : οι νέες τεχνολογίες στο μάθημα της μουσικής / Εφη Μακροπούλου, Δημήτρης Βαρελάς
16. Ο αδαής δάσκαλος : πέντε μαθήματα πνευματικής χειραφέτησης / Ζακ Ρανσιέρ
17. Σχολείο και μουσείο / Γεώργιος Δάλκος
18. Critical pedagogy : where are we now? / Peter McLean & Joe L. Kincheloe (eds)
19. Hare brain tortoise mind : why intelligence increases when you think less / Guy Claxton
20. Knowing bodies, moving minds : towards embodied teaching and learning / Liora Bresler (ed.)
21. Romantic drama : acting and reacting / Frederick Burwick
22. The art of performance / Heinrich Schenker
23. Handbook of music and emotion : theory, research, applications / Partik N. Juslin, John A.Sloboda (eds.)
24. La musique de piano : dictionnaire des compositeurs et des oeuvres / Guy Sacre
25. Byzantine Orthodoxies : papers form the 36th Spring Symposium of Byzantine studies, University of Durham, 23-25 March 2002 / Andrew Louth, Augustine Casiday (eds.)
26. Creativity, wisdom, and trusteeship : exploring the role of education / Anna Craft, Howard Gardner, Guy Claxton (eds.)
27. The arts and the creation of mind / Elliot W. Eisner
28. Elective affinities : musical essays on the history of aesthetic theory / Lydia Goehr
29. Opera and sovereignty : transforming myths in 18th century Italy / Martha Feldman
30. Music makes the nation : nationalist composers and nation building in 19th century Europe / Bemjamin Curtis
31. Tristan and Isolde : a casebook / Joan Tasker Grimbert (ed.)
32. Piano pedagogy : a research and information guide / Gilles Comeau
33. Divas and scholars : performing Italian opera / Philip Gossett
34. Powerful teacher education : lessons from exemplary programs / Linda Darling-Hammond
35. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart : Allgemaine Enzyklopadie der Musik. Supplemt / Ludwig Finscher (hrsg.)
36. The keyboard music of J. S. Bach / David Schulenberg
37. Digital interactive installations : programming interactive installations using the software package Max/MSP/Jitter / Frank Blum
38. Electronic music and sound design : theory and practice with Max/MSP. Vol.1. / Alessandro Cipriani, Maurizio Giri
39. Desinging sound / Andy Farnell
40. Interpreting Bachʼs Well-Tempered clavier : a performerʼs discourse of method / Ralph Kirkpatrick
41. Music as discourse : semiotic adventures in Romantic music / Kofi Agawu
42. Study and listening guide for “A history of Western music” 8th ed. and “Norton anthology of Western music” 6th ed. / J. Peter Burkholder, Jennifer L. King
43. A history of Western music. 8th ed. / J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V. Palisca
44. Norton anthology of Western music (3 vols.). 6th ed. / J. Peter Burkholder, Jennifer L. King
45. Menahem Pressler : artistry in piano teaching / William Brown
46. The Beethoven sonatas and the creative experience / Kenneth Drake
47. Musically sublime : indeterminacy, infinity, irreolvability / Kiene Brillenburg Wurth
48. The art of teaching music / Estelle R. Jorgensen
49. Enrique Granados : poet of the piano / Walter Aaron Clark
50. Teaching music in higher education / Colleen M. Conway, Thomas M. Hodgman
51. Schubertʼs dramatic lieder / Marjorie Wing Hirsch
52. Alban Berg and Hanna Fuchs : the story of a love in letters / Constantin Floros
53. Norton anthology of Western music (3 vols.). 6th ed. /


1. Martha Argeriech : the collection (2 vols.)
2. Bessie Smith : the complete recordings (4 vols.)
3. Gloria ; Nulla in mundo pax sincera / A. Vivaldi
4. Gloria / Vivaldi. Dixit Dominus / A. Scarlatti
5. Hail, Bright Cecilia / H. Purcell
6. The six motets / J.S. Bach
7. Miserere / Arvo Part
8. Selva morale / C. Monteverdi
9. Messe Ave Maris Stella / Josquin Desprez
10. Requiem / W.A. Mozart
11. Dido and Aeneas / H. Purcell
12. Vespers of 1610 / C. Monteverdi
13. Missa Christus resurgens / Adrian Willaert
14. Lʼhomme arme masses / Josquin Desprez
15. Noels and Christmas motets / Marc-Antoine Charpentier
16. Messe de minuit pour Noel ; Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier
17. Choir concerto / A. Schnittke
18. Works for piano (2 vols) / George Crumb
19. Piano music / Villa-Lobos
20. Piano concerto No.1 / Shostakovich, Martha Argerich (piano)
21. Partimenti for string quartet / Fedele Fenaroli, Niccolo Calichiopoulo Manzaro
22. Richter The Master (11 vols)
23. Norton recorded anthology of Western music (6 cdʼs)

1. The Miles Davis story
2. Miles electric: a different kind of blue
3. After hours ; Jazz dance
4. Stan Kenton
5. Anything for jazz ; Different drummer
6. Lift the bandstand / Steve Lacy
7. New Orleans : the all-musical tribute to the birth of jazz
8. One night with blue note
9. Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie : the founding fathers of the Bop
10. The world according to John Coltrane
11. Stormy weather
12. Καταφύγιο στους αιθέρες
13. Duke Ellington
14. Jazz on a summerʼs day
15. Portrait of Pee Wee Russell
16. The greatest jazz films ever
17. Kansas city
18. The golden age of the piano : a do*****entary on the great pianists of the 20th century
19. Artur Rubinstein in concert
20. Glenn Gould : the alchemist
21. Teach yourself to play piano
22. Vintage collection, 1958-1961
23. Charles Mingus live at Montreux

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