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Public Service Review: European Union (issue 23) is now online.

Δημοσίευση: 02-05-2012 11:11 | Προβολές: 549

European Union

Chazey Partners

The spring 2012 issue of Public Service Review: European Union (issue 23) is now online.

In addition to the impressive foreword by European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle, several key public policy areas such as education and skills, culture and heritage, industry and entrepreneurship, human resources, regional policy and transport are covered in detail. Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis describes the strides being made to ensure the Republic of Latvia can be counted as one of the most stable and dynamic regions of Europe.

Health is represented well by a number of searching articles on child health, oncology, nursing, elderly care, patient safety, medical science and research, HIV/AIDS and mental health. For example, Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, Director of the Health Directorate at the European Commission's Research DG, provides an update on the current state of play of EU health research.

Opening with an article by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, there follows in-depth coverage of environment, energy and agriculture issues. LEAF President Baroness Hazel Byford says that increasing farming yields requires a smarter approach to research and development in order to protect our limited natural resources.

The exciting Science, Research and Technology section contains stimulating and broad content including chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, space, ICT and social sciences, as well as focuses on European countries such as Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

for the latest edition of European Union - page turning version : www.ps-news.co.uk/linktrack.aspx?adminId=31C5ED81F145D518&subscriberID=0C3C4B6072A71279&newsletterID=68BF4925A942FA48&campaignID=0311C40BEBE4ADCC&bulkID=712C173EFB2F84B4&listID=69DCA27E681D45EE&openRate=736CF125D99EB7BE&url=http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?EID=364cc048-29d3-4b45-8e7c-b4c8f7c9cab0

for the latest edition of European Union - website hosted version : http://www.publicservice.co.uk/pub_contents.asp?id=556

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