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Δημοσίευση: 06-09-2016 11:49 | Προβολές: 1974

001.2 KOZ Kozel, Susan. Closer : performance, technologies, phenomenology, 2007
001.42 AND Andres, Ana. Measuring academic research : how to undertake a bibliometric study, 2009
002.0937 WIN Winsbury, Rex The Roman book : books, publishing and performance in classical Rome, 2009
003 CHE Checkland, Peter. Soft systems methodology : a 30-year retrospective. Systems thinking, systems
practice, 1999
004.0151 SHO Shoup, Victor A computational introduction to number theory and algebra, 2009
004.015192 MOT Motwani, Rajeev Randomized algorithms, 1995
004.21 GOO Goodman, Elizabeth Observing the user experience : a practitioner's guide to user research, 2012
004.22 HEN Hennessy, John L. Computer architecture : a quantitative approach. 5th ed., 2012
004.22 PAT Patterson, David Computer organization and design : the hardware / software interface, 2014
004.35 GEB Gebali, Fayez Algorithms and parallel computing, 2011
004.35 KAP Καρνιαδάκης, Γιώργος Parallel scientific computing in C++ and MPI : a seamless approach to parallel
algorithms and their implementation, 2003
004.36 GAR Garg, Vijay K. Elements of distributed computing, 2006
004.36 LAR Sarbazi-Azad, Hamid (ed.) Large scale network-centric distributed systems, 2013
005.133 STE Sterling, Leon The art of Prolog : advanced programming techniques, 1994
005.2 MAH Mahout, Vincent Assembly language programming : ARM Cortex-M3, 2012
005.268 ΓΑΒ Γαβαλάς, Δαμιανός Κινητές τεχνολογίες, 2015
005.275 PAC Pacheco, Peter S. Εισαγωγή στον παράλληλο προγραμματισμό, 2015
005.276 VAL Varela, Carlos A. Programming distributed computing systems : a foundational approach, 2013
005.437 JOH Johnson, Jeff Designing with the mind in mind : simple guide to understanding user interface design
guidelines, 2014
006.31 ALP Alpaydin, Ethem Introduction to machine learning, 2010
006.31 FLA Flach, Peter Machine learning : the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data, 2015
006.31 MOH Mohri, Mehryar Foundations of machine learning, 2012
006.31 MUR Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning : a probabilistic perspective, 2012
006.312 NIS Nisbet, Robert Handbook of statistical analysis and data mining applications
006.312 PRA Miner, Gary (ed.) Practical text mining and statistical analysis for non-structured text data applications,
006.312 WIT Witten, Ian Data mining : practical machine learning tools and techniques, 2011
006.42 NIX Nixon, Mark S. Feature extraction and image processing for computer vision, 2012
006.696 RIC Richardson, Iain The H.264 advanced video compression standard, 2010
010.72 EOM Eom, Sean Author cocitation analysis : quantitative methods for mapping the intellectual structure
of an academic discipline, 2009
025 DIS Glushko, Robert J. (ed.) The discipline of organizing, 2013
025.21877 LIB Holder, Sara (ed.) Library collection development for professional programs : trends and best
practices, 2013
025.3 INT Baca, Murtha (ed.) Introduction to metadata, 2008
025.3 KEY Keyser, Pierre de Indexing : from thesauri to the semantic web, 2012
025.82 KAH Kahn, Miriam B. Disaster response and planning for libraries, 2012
027 BLO Blouin, Francis X. Processing the past : contesting authority in history and the archives, 2011
027.663 IMP Deines-Jones, Courtney (ed.) Improving library services to people with disabilities, 2007
069.1 ΕΛΛ Φουρλίγκα, Εύα (επιμ.) Παίζουμε ανασκαφή ;, 2004
070.5 HAS Haskell, Francis Η δύσκολη γέννηση του βιβλίου τέχνης, 2013
070.5 KIS Kist, Joost New thinking for 21st century publishers : emerging patterns and evolving stratagems,
090.944 BIS Bischoff, Bernhard Manuscripts and libraries in the age of Charlemagne, 1993
121 BAT Bateson, Gregory Mind and nature : a necessary unity, 2001
153.4 VAR Varela, Francisco J. The embodied mind : cognitive science and human experience, 1991
153.83 BRO Brown, Rex Rational choice and judgment : decision analysis for the decider, 2005
160 COM Jacquette, Dale (ed.) A companion to philosophical logic, 2006
182.2 ΦΟΛ THE Demoen, Kristoffel (ed.) Theios Sophistes : essays on Flavius Philostratus' Vita Apollonii, 2009
183.1 ΦΙΛ PHI Bowie, Ewen (ed.) Philostratus, 2008
189 ΨΕΛ ΠΑΠ Παπαϊωάννου, Στρατής Michael Psellos : rhetoric and authorship in Byzantium, 2013
270.2092 ΜΑΞ ΣΙΣ Σίσκος, Γεώργιος Αγ. Το ερμηνευτικό πλαίσιο της Χριστολογίας του Αγίου Μάξιμου του Ομολογητού,
281.949618 AHM Ahmet Rustem Bey The future of the Oe*****enical Patriarchate, 1925
299.1 ΜΑΡ Μαρινάτου, Ναννώ Minoan kingship and solar goddess : a near eastern Koine, 2010
299.31 TEE Teeter, Emily Religion and ritual in ancient Egypt, 2011
300.72 CRE Creswell, John W. Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 2014
300.973 ROS Ross, Dorothy The origins of American social science, 1997
302.12 CON Connerton, Paul How societies remember, 1990
302.230973 JEN Jenkins, Henry Convergence culture : where old and new media collide, 2006
302.3 JAC Jackson, Matthew O. Social and economic networks, 2008
302.3501 THO Thornton, Patricia H. The institutional logics perspective : a new approach to culture, structure, and
process, 2012
303.483 McC McMarthy, John Technology as experience, 2007
303.4834 MUN Munster, Anna An aesthesia of networks : conjunctive experience in art and technology, 2013
304.2091822 BEV Bevan, Andrew Mediterranean Islands, fragile communities and persistent landscapes :
Antikythera in long-term perspective, 2013
304.6 IAK Ιακωβίδου, Ολγα Κοινωνική δημογραφία, 2009
304.6093709014 PEO Ligt, Kuuk de (ed.) People, land, and politics : demographic developments and the
transformation of Roman Italy 300 BC-AD 14, 2008
304.6094955 ΚΑΡ Καρλάφτη-Μουρατίδη, Φωτεινή Το δημοτολόγιο της Ενώσεως : πληθυσμός και οικονομία στην πόλη
και τα προάστια της Κέρκυρας μετά την Ενωση των Επτανήσων με το
ελληνικό κράτος, 2014
304.609561 SIM Simpson, Dwight James Turkey : shadows of conflict, 1977
305.23070495 ΓΕΝ Ιστορικό Αρχείο Ελληνικής Νεολαίας Ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα διεθνή συμπόσια διερκές σεμινάριο
δημοσιεύματα 1983-2009, 2009
305.30938 FOX Foxhall, Lin Studying gender in classical antiquity, 2013
305.8 ΔΙΑ Χοντολίδου, Ελένη (επιμ.) Διαπολιτισμικότητα, παγκοσμιοποίηση και ταυτότητες, 2008
305.801 ETH Boellstorff, Tom Ethnography and virtual worlds : a handbook of method, 2012
306.449495 MAC Mackridge, Peter Language and national identity in Greece 1766-1976, 2009
306.4609561 FAR Faroqhi, Suraiya Artisans of empire : crafts and craftspeople under the Ottomans, 2009
306.4880945 RIC Richardson, Brian Τυπογραφία, συγγραφείς και αναγνώστες στην Ιταλία της Αναγέννησης, 2014
306.874 LIN Lindsay, Hugh Adoption in the Roman world, 2009
320 LOW Lowndes, Vivien Why institutions matter : the new institutionalism in political science, 2013
320.3094 OLS Olsen, Johann P. Governing through institution building : institutional theory and recent European
experiments in democratic organization, 2010
320.49561 GUL Gulek, Kasim Democracy takes root in Turkey, 1951
320.49561 YAL Yalcin, Aydin Turkey : emerging democracy, 1967
320.540945309034 REI Reill, Dominique Kirchner Nationalists who feared the nation : Adriatic multi-nationalism in
Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste, and Venice, 2012
320.9385 GRE Arnason, Jonathan P. The Greek polis and the invention of democracy : a politico-cultural transformation
and Its interpretations, 2013
320.9561 BOW Bowman, Isaiah A note on the political map of Turkey, 1922
320.9561 HUR Hurgronje, C. Snouck Islam and Turkish nationalism, 1924
320.9561 MAC Maclean, Fitzroy The Eastern question in modern dress, 1951
320.9561 POL The political structure of Turkey, 1978
320.9561 WRI Wright, Walter Livingston Truths about Turkey, 1948
321.60940902 KAN Kantorowicz, Ernst The king's two bodies : a sudy in Mediaeval political theology, 1997
321.809561 KOH Kohn, Hans Ten years of the Turkish republic, 1934
321.86 MAC Bock, Gisela (ed.) Machiavelli and republicanism, 1993
321.86 PET Pettit, Philip On the people's terms : a repuplican theory and model of democracy, 2014
321.86 PET Pettit, Philip Republicanism : a theory of freedom and government, 2010
327.1014 ROL Roland, Ruth Οι διερμηνείς ως διπλωμάτες: μια διπλωματική ιστορία του ρόλου των διερμηνέων στις
διεθνείς σχέσεις, 2014
327.11609561 EDI Edib, Halide Turkey and her allies, 1940
327.561 BRO Brown, Philip Marshall The capitulations, 1923
327.561 CHI Chirol, Valentine Islam and Britain, 1923
327.561 CHI Chirol, Valentine The downfall of the khalifate, 1924
327.561 GAU Gauvain, Auguste Five years of French policy in the Near East, 1924
327.561 KAR Karaosmanoglou, Ali Turkey's security and the Middle East, 1983
327.561 KUN Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet Turkey and the West, 1991
327.561 McG McGhee, George C. Turkey joins the West, 1954
327.561 RUS Rustow, Dankwart A. Turkey's travails, 1979
327.561 SAD Sadak, Necmeddin Turkey faces the Soviets, 1949
327.561 TUR Turkish facts and fantasies, 1925
327.62 BOU Boutros-Ghali, Boutros The foreign policy of Egypt in the post-Sadat era, 1982
327.62 JAB Jabber, Paul Egupt's crisis, America's dilema, 1986
327.62 SAD Sadat, Anwar Where Egupt stands, 1972
330.9392 PAT Mitchell, Stephen (ed.) Patterns in the economy of Roman Asia Minor, 2005
333.7 STR Gregory, R. Structured decision making : a practical guide to environmental management choices, 2011
340.03 ΓΕΡ Βαθιώτης, Κωνσταντίνος (επιμ.) Γερμανο-ελληνικό ελληνο-γερμανικό λεξικό νομικών όρων, 2013
340.03 ΣΤΑ Σταμέλος, Χαράλαμπος Λεξικό νομικών όρων : Αγγλο-ελληνικό, Ελληνο-αγγλικό, 2015
340.03 ΧΙΩ Χιωτάκης, Μιχάλης Ελληνο-αγγλικό νομικό λεξικό, 2012
340.1 DWO Dworkin, Ronald Law's empire, 1998
340.1 HAR Hart, H.L.A. The concept of law, 2012
340.12 SHA Shapiro, Scott Legality, 2011
340.538 CAM Gagarin, Michael The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law, 2005
341.026 ΤΟΥ Toynbee, Arnold J. The East after Lausanne, 1923
341.446 ESM Esmer, Ahmet Sukru The straits : crux of world politics, 1947
341.446 HOW Howard, Harry N. The straits after the Montreaux conference, 1936
342.0858 SOL Solove, Daniel J. The future of reputation : gossip, rumor, and privacy on the internet, 2007
346.0482 GOL Goldstein, Paul International copyright : princeiples, law, and practice, 2013
347.012 JUD Russell, Peter H. (ed.) Judical independence in the age of democracy : critical perspectives from around
the world, 2001
349.42 BAK Baker, J. H. An introduction to English legal history, 2007
352.3802854678 McL McLoughlin, Ian Digital government at work : a social informatics perspective, 2013
355.409 ΜΑΚ Hanson, Victor Davis Makers of ancient strategy : from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome, 2010
370.938 EDU Too, Yun Lee (ed.) Education in Greek and Roman antiquity, 2001
370.94897 SAH Sahlberg, Pasi Φιλανδικά μαθήματα : τι μπορεί να μάθει ο κόσμος από την εκπαιδευτική αλλαγή στη
Φιλανδία; 2013
371.2 ΘΕΟ Θεοφιλίδης, Χρήστος Σχολική ηγεσία και διοίκηση : από τη γραφειοκρατία στη μετασχηματιστική ηγεσία, 2012
372.5 ΣΩΤ Σωτηροπούλου-Ζορμπαλά, Μαρίνα Κάθε μέρα πρεμιέρα : αισθητική προσέγγισης της γνώσης στο
νηπιαγωγείο και το δημοτικό σχολείο, 2011
372.87 ΚΟΚ Κοκκίδου, Μαίη Διδακτική της μουσικής : νέες προκλήσεις, νέοι ορίζοντες, 2015
374 FRE Freire, Paulo Απελευθερωτική παιδαγωγική : διάλογοι για τη μετασχηματιστική εκπαίδευση, 2008
378.561 KUM Kum, Ilhan Universite turque et identite europeenne, 1979
381.1 BAN Bang, Peter Fibiger The Roman bazaar : a comparative study of trade and markets in the tributary empire,
387.5093809013 TAR Tartaron, Thomas E. Maritime networks in the Mycenaean world, 2014
392.360938 NEV Nevett, Lisa C. Domestic space in classical antiquity, 2010
401.9 JAC Jackendoff, Ray Foundations of language : brain, meaning, grammar, evolution, 2002
410.285 HAN Clark, Alexander (ed.) The handbook of computational linguistics and natural language processing, 2010
418.02 CIU Forstner, Martin (ed.) CIUTI-Forum 2012 : translators and interpreters as key actors in global
networking, 2012
418.02 SCH Schleiermacher, Friedrich Περί των διαφόρων μεθόδων του μεταφράζειν, 2014
418.02 TRA Parker, Jan (ed.) Tradition, translation, trauma : the classic and the modern, 2011
418.02 TRA Lukas, Katarzyna (ed.) Translation im Spannungsfeld der cultural turns, 2013
418.02 TRA Federici, Federico M. (ed.). Translating dialects and languages of minorities : challenges and solutions,
418.02 ΚΕΡ Κεραμίδας, Σ.Γ. Ζητήματα ορολογίας στην τεχνική μετάφραση, 2015
418.020287 ASS Τσαγκάρη, Ντίνα (επιμ.) Assessment issues in language translation and interpreting, 2013
418.02071 INT Mayor, Maria Jesus Blasco (ed.) Interpreting naturally : a tribute to Brian Harris, 2011
418.04 EPS Epstein, B. J., Translating expressive language in children's literature : problems and solutions, 2012
418.04 PED Pederzoli, Roberta. La traduction de la litterature d'enfance et de jeunesse et le dilemme du
destinataire, 2011
423.89 ΑΓΓ Αγγλο-ελληνικό λεξικό Πατάκη, 2010
425.007 EVA Evans, Virginia Enterprise plus : pre-intermediate grammar student's book, 2002
425.007 EVA Evans, Virginia Access 4 grammar, 2014
428.24 ΤΣΕ Τσέκου, Ελένη English through the language of history, 1999
483 HOF Hofmann, J.B. Ετυμολογικόν λεξικόν της αρχαίας Ελληνικής, 2009
483 ΛΑΠ Λάπας, Δημήτρης Λεξικό ρημάτων της αρχαίας Ελληνικής γλώσσας, 2013
489.331 ΡΩΜ Ρωμανός, Αριστείδης Μικρό ερμηνευτικό λεξικό της ξύλινης γλώσσας : τα 124 πρώτα λήμματα, 2010
489.339182 ΣΕΡ Σερβο-ελληνικό και Ελληνο-σερβικό λεξικό, 2001
501.2 BOR Borner, Katy Atlas of science : visualizing what we know, 2010
511.3 KUR Baaz, Matthias (ed.) Kurt Godel and the foundations of mathematics : horizons of truth, 2011
511.352 MOO Moore, Cristopher The nature of computation, 2015
512.5 LIP Lipschutz, Seymour 3000 solved problems in linear algebra, 1988
512.5 SHI Shilov, Georgi Linear algebra, 1977
512.52 HAL Halmos, Paul Finite dimensional vector psaces, 1948
515.357 AST Aster, Richard Parameter estimation and inverse problems, 2012
518.1 DAS Dasgipta, Sanjoy Αλγόριθμοι, 2009
519.5 RUM Rumsey, Deborah Statistics II for dummies, 2009
519.5 WIT Witte, Robert Statistics, 2015
519.50285536 FIE Field, Andy Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics, 2014
519.536 BAT Bates, Douglas Nonlinear refression analysis and Its applications, 2007
519.536 GEL Gelman, Andrew Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models, 2006
535.6 WYS Wyszecki, Gunther Color science : concepts, methods, quantitative data and formulae, 2000
551.136 COX Cox, Allan Plate tectonics : how It works, 2008
571.657 SCH Scheffler, Immo E. Mitochondria, 2008
573.80113 IZH Izhikevich, Eugene M. Dynamical systems in neuroscience : the geometry of excitability and bursting,
577.015118 OTT Otto, Sarah P. A biologist's guide to mathematical modeling in ecology and evolution, 2007
578.7 BIO Magurran, Anne (ed.) Biological diversity : frontiers in measurement and assessment, 2013
610.9495 ΚΑΡ Καραμπερόπουλος, Δημήτρης Ένα βιβλίο που λανθάνει : Χρήστου Σουγδούρη, Βιβλίον Ιατρικόν της
ποδαλγίας, Νίζνα 1781, 2010
610.9495 ΚΑΡ Καραμπερόπουλος, Δημήτρης Σταύρου Μουλαϊμου, Αντιδοτάριον, Βενετία 1724: το πρώτο στα
ελληνικά ιατρικό βιβλίο, 2010
612.80285 MAT Wallisch, Pascal (ed.) MATLABⓇ for neuroscientists : an introduction to scientific computing in MATLABⓇ,
615.85154 WIG Wigram, Tony A comprehensive guide to music therapy : theory, clinical practice, research and
training, 2002
615.85156072 ANS Ansdell, Gary Beginning research in the arts therapies : a practical guide, 2001
616.83306 AHL Ahlskog, J. Eric The new parkinson's disease tretment book : partnering with your doctor to get the
most from your medications, 2015
616.8916540083 OLD Oldfield, Amelia Interactive music therapy- a positive approach : music therapy at a child
development centre, 2010
616.978 ΜΟΥ Μουτσόπουλος, Χαράλαμπος Εγκυκλοπαίδεια αυτοάνοσων νοσημάτων, 2010
621.381 HAR Harris, David Money Digital design and computer arhitecture, 2013
621.3822 WOO Woods, John Multidimensional signal, image, and video processing and coding, 2012
621.38456 LIM Cega, Mario de (ed.) LIMEN : ecologies of transmission, 2016
621.388 FER Fernando, Anil 3DTV : processing and transmission of 3D video signals, 2013
621.38806 POY Poynton, Charles Digital video and HD : algorithms and interfaces, 2012
621.38932 WAD Waddell, Gebre Complete audio mastering : practical techniques, 2013
621.391 OXF Paun, Gheorghe (ed.) The Oxford handbook of membrane computing, 2010
622.1592 SHE Scheriff, R.E. Exploration seismology, 1995
641.03 ΚΑΡ Καρδούλης, Αλέξανδρος Εγκυκλοπαιδικό λεξικό τροφίμων και ποτών, 2013
658 MAR March, James G. Organizations, 1993
658.4012 ROT Rothaermel, Frank Strategic management, 2015
658.4012 TEE Teece, David J. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management, 2013
658.4038011 RAI Rainer, R. Kelly Management information systems : moving business forward, 2013
667 BER Berns, Roy Billmeyer and Salyzman's principles of color technology, 2000
676.0917671 BLO Bloom, Jonathan Paper before print : the history and impact of paper in the Islamic world, 2001
701.516 CAL Calter, Paul A. Squaring the circle : geometry in art and architecture, 2008
709.0214 WAL Walker, Alicia The emperor and the world : exotic elements and imaging of middle Byzantine imperial
power, ninth to thirteenth centuries C.E., 2011
709.021407449565 ΚΑΜ Καμπάνης, Παναγιώτης (επιμ.) Εκ Θεσσαλονίκης φως : κατάλογος έκθεσης 31
Ιανουαρίου-4 Μαϊου 2014, 2014
709.02140747471 BYZ Peers, Glenn (ed.) Byzantine things in the world, 2013
709.04 ART Harrison, Charles (ed.) Art in theory, 1900-2000 : an anthology of changing ideas, 2002
709.38 ART Newby, Zahra (ed.) Art and inscriptions in the ancient world, 2006
709.38 DEM De Miro, Ernesto Η ελληνική τέχνη στη Σικελία : μαρτυρίες του κλασικού πολιτισμού στη Δύση, 2015
727.6 MAC MacLead, Suzanne Museum architecture : a new biography, 2013
730.941 ΗΕΝ Henry Moore : Αναδρομική 26/7-31/10 2004
730.9495 MAΡ Μαρκάτου, Δώρα Νεοελληνική ταφική γλυπτική : αρχές 19ου αιώνα-1940, 2015
733.09398 BAS Bassett, Sarah The urban image of late antiquity Constantinople, 2004
746.9203 ΒΙΒ Το βιβλίο της μόδας, 1998
759.495 ΜΠΑ Nikos Baikas, 2005
759.495 ΤΣΟ Serafini, Giuliano (ed.) Costas Tsoclis, 2000
759.4971 SOB Ηλιοπούλου-Ρογκάν, Ντόρα (επιμ.) Milos Sobaic, 1998
759.5 KRE Λεονάρντο Κρεμονίνι, 1995
770.1 ROS Rosler, Martha Decoys and disruptions : selected writings, 1975-2001, 2001
770.9 ZHB Ζήβας, Αντώνης Οδηγός ανάγνωσης της ιστορίας της φωτογραφίας. 1. Ο πρώτος αιώνας, 2015
770.92 WIN Rubinfien, Leo (ed.) Garry Winogrand, 2013
771 HIG Reinhard, Edik (ed.) High dynamic range imaging : acquisition, display, and image-based lighting, 2010
776.01 KWA Kwastek, Katja Aesthetics of interactrion in digital art, 2013
778.5347 WIL Williams, Richard The animator's survival kit, 2009
778.59 SPI Spielmann, Yvonne Video : the reflexive medium, 2010
779 THI Burgin, Victor (ed.) Thinking photography, 1988
780.0255 ΠΗΓ Λαβράνος, Χαρίλαος (επιμ.) Πηγές μουσικής πληροφόρησης και πληροφοριακή παιδεία, 2015
780.0362 MUS MacDonald, Raymond A. (ed.) Music, health, and wellbeing, 2012
780.14 VAN Van Leeuwen, Theo Speech, music, sound, 1999
780.7 MUS Finney, John (ed.) Music education with digital technology, 2009
780.71 GRE Green, Lucy Ακουσε και παίξε! : πώς να απελευθερώσετε την ακουστική αντίληψη των μαθητών σας
και τις δεξιότητες τους στον αυτοσχεδιασμό και στην εκτέλεση, 2014
780.71 HIG Higgins, Lee Community music : in theory and in practice, 2012
780.71 LEA Green, Lucy (ed.) Learning, teaching, and musical identity : voices across cultures, 2011
780.71 ORI Cox, Gordon (ed.) The origins and foundations of music education : cross-cultural historical studies of
music in compulsory shooling, 2011
780.71241 TEA Price, Jayne (ed.) Teaching secondary music, 2012
780.72 OXF Fuchler, Jane F. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of the new cultural history of music, 2011
780.83 OXF Campbell, Patricia Shehan (ed.) The Oxford handbook of children's musical cultures, 2013
780.89924 CON Conway, David Jewry in music : entry to profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner, 2012
780.902 CAM Everist, Mark (ed.) The Cambridge companion to Medieval music, 2011
780.92 BAC WOL Wolff, Christoph Johann Sebastian Bach : the learned musician, 2014
780.92 BER Berg, Alban Pro mundo-pro domo : the writings of Alban Berg, 2014
780.92 SCH Frisch, Walter (ed.) Schoenberg and his world, 1999
780.92243 DAV Daverio, John Crossing paths : Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms, 2002
780.94409034 ELL Ellis, Katharine Music criticism in nineteenth-century France : La revue et gazette musicale de
Paris, 1834-80,2007
780.94409034 ELL Ellis, Katharine Interpreting the musical past : early music in nineteenth-century France, 2005
780.94709034 FRO Frolova-Walter, Marina Russian music and nationalism : from Glinka to Stalin, 2007
781.09031 MEN Mengozzi, Srefano The Renaissance reform of Medieval music, 2010
781.11 BUR Burnard, Pamela Musical creativities in practice, 2012
781.11 KRU Krumhansl, Carol L. Cognitive foundations of musical pitch, 2001
781.11 LEV Levitin, Daniel This is your brain on music : understanding a human obsession, 2006
781.17200945634 ROD Rodin, Jesse. Josquin's Rome : hearing and composing in the Sistine Chapel, 2012
781.2 BEN Benson, Dave Music : a mathematical offering, 2013
781.2 LOY Loy, Gareth Musimathics : the mathematical foundations of music, 2011
781.345133 SUP Wilson, Scott (ed.) The SuperCollider book, 2011
781.45 PHI Phillips, Kenneth Basic techniques of conducting, 1997
781.599094109034 HER Herbert, Trevor Music & the British military in the long nineteenth century, 2013
782.1094509034 BAR Baragwanath, Nicholas The Italian traditions and Puccini : compositional theory and practice in
ninettenth-century opera, 2011
782.1094509034 FAS Marvin, Roberta Montemorra (ed.) Fashions and legacies of ninettenth-century Italian opera, 2010
782.22092 JOS Sherr, Richard. The Josquin companion, 2011
782.5145 EMM Emmons, Shirlee Prescriptions for choral excellence : tone, text, dynamic leadership, 2006
784.183 SCH Schmidt-Beste, Thomas The sonata, 2011
786.7 COL Collins, Nick Electronic music, 2013
786.7 ESC Escrivan, Julio d' Music technology, 2011
786.711 LAN Landy, Leigh Understanding the art of sound organization, 2007
786.741345133 MAN Manzo, V.J. Max/MSP/Jitter for music : a practical guide to developing interactive music systems
for education and more, 2011
786.76 COL Collins, Nick Introduction to computer music, 2009
786.76 OXF Dean, Roger T. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of computer music, 2009
791.4311 TOM Tomas, David Vertov, Snow, Farocki : machine vision and the posthuman, 2013
791.43165 SIN Singer, Irving Cinematic mythmaking : philosophy in film, 2010
791.43611 LIP Lippit, Akira Mizuta Ex-cinema : from theory of experimental film and video, 2012
791.436110941 REE Rees, A.L. A history of experimental film and video : from the canonical avant-garde to
contemporary British practice, 2013
791.43658 ROS Rosenstone, Robert Visions of the past : the challenge of film to our idea history, 1995
792.025 HOW Howard, Pamela Τι είναι σκηνογραφία; 2002
792.0938 CAM McDonald, Marianne (ed.) The Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman theatre, 2007
792.809495 ΟΚΤ ΟΚΤΑΝΑ : Χοροθέατρο 10 χρόνια, 2000
808.901 RUS Russell, D.A. Λογοτεχνική κριτική στην αρχαιότητα, 2013
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