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Δημοσίευση: 11-10-2018 12:54 | Προβολές: 759


001.422 KRA Kraemer, Helena Chmura How many subjects? : a statistical power analysis in research, 1987
001.5 APP Budd, Richard W. (ed.) Approaches to human communication, 1972
001.553 DON Dondis, Donis A. A primer of visual literacy, 1973
004.019 LAM Lambert, W. The ubiquitous chip : the human impact of electronic technology, 1987
005.26 DEW Dewdney, A.K. The armchair universe : an exploration of computer worlds, 1988
006.6 HOF Hoffman, E. Kenneth Computer graphics applications : an introduction to desktop publishing & design, presentation graphics animation, 1990
025.042 McK McKie, Craig Using the web for social research, 1987
070.18 BAR Barnouw, Erik Do*****entary : a history of the non-fiction film, 1993
070.43 FAN Fang, I.E. Television news, 1972
070.43 LAN Lanson, Gerald Writing and reporting the news, 1994
070.435 ΜΠΑ Μπασαντής, Διαμαντής Πρακτορείο εφημερίδων Αθηναϊκού τύπου : 50 χρόνια, 1995
100 BEC Bec, Lewis white Philosophic inguiry : an introduction to philosophy, 1962
111.85 DIC Dickie, George Aesthetics : an introduction, 1971
126 HOF Hofstadter, Douglas R. The mind I : fantasies and reflections on self and soul, 1988
133 SIG Ebon, Martin (ed.) The signet handbook of parapsychology, 1978
141 BER Berkeley, George Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, 1954
150.15195 WEL Welkowitz, Joan Introductory statistics for the behavioral sciences, 1971
150.18 AVE Avery, David D. Experimental methodology in psychology, 1978
150.72 MAR Marken, Richhard S. Methods in experimental psychology, 1981
150.724 LEW Lewin, Miriam Understanding psychological research, 1979
150.724 MAR Martin, David W. Doing psychology experiments, 1977
150.724 PLU Plutchik, Robert Foundations of experimental research, 1968
152 BOD Boddt, John Brain systems and psychological concepts, 1978
152 TEC Martin, Irene Techniques in psychophysiology, 1980
152.1 FRI Frisby, John P. Seeing : illusion, brain and mind, 1980
152.1 GOL Goldstein, E. Bruce Sensation and perception, 1980
152.1 KEN Kennedy, John M. A psychology of picture perception, 1974
152.14 COM Pylyshyn, Zenon W. (ed.) Computational processes in human vision : an interdisciplinary perspective, 1988
152.335 RIG Needham, Rodney (ed.) Right & left, 1973
152.4 KNO Nathanson, Donald L. (ed.) Knowing feeling : affect, script, aand psychotherapy, 1996
153 NAT Ornstein, Robert E. (ed.) The nature of human consciousness : a book of readings, 1973
153.15 HIL Hill, Winfred F. Learning : a survey of psychological nterpretations, 1971
153.42 BOL Bolton, Neil The psychology of thinking, 1972
153.7 VIS Pinker, Steven (ed.) Visual cognition, 1988
153.7 WEI Weintraub, Daniel J. Perception, 1966
153.852 OKE O'Keefe, Daniel J. Persuasion : theory and research, 1990
190.82 KNO Sprague, Elmer (ed.) Knowledge and value : introductory readings in philosophy, 1959
193 ΓΕΩ Γεωργαλλίδης, Ανδρέας Α. Από τη θεωρία στον μυστικισμό : η ασάφεια της έννοιας "αντικειμένου" στο Tractatus του Wittgenstein, 2018
281.949565 ΣΩΤ Σωτηρίου, Γεώργιος Η καταστροφή του Ναού του Αγίου Δημητρίου Θεσσαλονίκης από την πυρκαγιά του 1917 : τρία κείμενα, 2017
300.18 FOR Forcese, Dennis P. Stages of social research : contemporary perspectives, 1970
300.72 WEB Webb, Eugene J. Unobtrusive measures : nonreactive research in the social sciences, 1972
301 WIL Wilson, Everett K. Sociology : rules, roles, and relationships, 1966
301.161 INT Gumpert, Gary (ed.) Inter/media : interpersonal communication in a media world, 1979
301.24 WIL Wilhelmsen Frederick D. The war in man : media and machines, 1970
302 LAM Lambert, William W. Social psychology, 1965
302.2 BER Berlo, David K. The process of communication : an introduction to theory and practice, 1966
302.2 HIE Hiebert, Ray Eldon Mass media II : an introduction to modern communication, 1979
302.2 McQ McQuail, Denis Towards a sociology of mass communications, 1969
302.2 SIL Silverman, Kaja The subject of semiotics, 1983
302.2 ΗΑΜ Hamelink, Cees J. Cultural autonomy in global communications : planning national information policy, 1983
302.2072 MET Emmert, Philip (ed.) Methods of research in communication, 1970
302.2072 RES Stempel, Guido H. (ed.) Research methods in mass communication, 1981
302.23 BAR Barnouw, Erik Mass communication : television, radio, film, press, 1956
302.23 BIA Biagi, Shirley Media impact : an introduction to mass communication, 1999
302.23 DAV Davis, Dennis K. Mass communication and everyday life : a perspective on theory and effects, 1981
302.23 DEF DeFleur, Melvin L. Theories of mass communication, 1975
302.23 EAS Eastham, Scott The media matrix : deepening the context of communication studies, 1990
302.23 FUE Fuery, Patrick Visual cultures and critical theory, 2003
302.23 KLA Klapper, Joseph T. The effects of mass communication, 1960
302.23 KOI Κομνηνού, Μαρία (επιμ.) Κοινωνία εξουσία & μέσα μαζικής επικοινωνίας : θεωρία και πράξη, 1989
302.23 LOW Lowensten, Ralph L. Macromedia : mission, message, and morality, 1990
302.23 ORL Orlik, Peter B. Electronic media criticism, 1994
302.23 PET Petterson, Rune Visuals for information, 1988
302.23 PRO Schramm, Wilbur, (ed.) The process and effects of mass communication, 1971
302.23 ΤΣΑ Τσαρδάκης, Δημήτρης Μαζική επικοινωνία και πραγματικότητα, 1990
302.23071173 MAS Murray, Michae (ed.) Mass communication education, 2003
302.2307207444 BRA Brand, Stewart The media lab : inventing the future at MIT, 1987
302.2308 NAY Ναυρίδης, Κλήμης Η Αλίκη στη χώρα των πραγμάτων : το παιδί ως διαφημιστικό αντικείμενο, 1993
302.230971 LOR Lorimer, Rowland Mass communication in Canada, 1996
302.230971 McL Marchand, Philip Marshall McLuhan : the medium and the messenger, 1989
302.234 JAM Jamieson, Kathleen Hall The interplay of influence : mass media & their publics in news, advertising, politics, 1983
302.34 SMI Smith, Mary John persuasion and human action : a review and critique of social influence theories, 1982
303.342 LAR Larson, Charles U. Persuasion : reception and rsponsibility, 1995
303.482 SAM Samovar, Larry A. Intercultural communication : a reader, 1972
303.483 REI Reinecke, Ian Electronic illusions : a skeptic's view of our high-tech future, 1984
303.4833 CUL Jacobs, Norman (ed.) Culture for the millions? : mass media in modern society, 1961
305.23 GRE Greenfield, Patricia Marks Mind and media : the effects of television, video games, and computers, 1984
309.1 YOU Young, Pauline F. Scientific social surveys and research, 1966
320.019 AND Anderson, Walt Politics and the new humanism, 1973
323 AMN Amnesty International Amnesty International Report 1982, 1982
323.4 FRE Fisher, Paul L. (ed.) Race and the news media, 1967
340.12 RAW Rawls, John A theory of justice, 1971
343.09945 FRE Kittross, John (ed.) Free & fair : courtroom access and the fairness doctrine, 1970
345.077 ΑΟΡ Φυτράκης, Ευτύχης (επιμ.) Αόρατες ποινές : (Ευρωπαϊκή διάσταση - Ελληνική προοπτική), 2018
361.0072 FOR Forcese, Dennis P. Social research methods, 1973
371.3078 FLA Flagg, Barbara N. Formative evaluation for educational technologies, 1190
371.335 WIL Wileman, Ralph E. Visual communicating, 1993
372.6044 SCO Scott, Louise Binder Developing communication skills : a guide for the classroom teacher, 1971
374.26 WAN Waniewicz, Ignacy Broadcasting for adult education : a guidebook to world-wide experience, 1972
378.4265 CAM Mason, Richard (ed.) Cambridge minds, 1994
378.495 ΕΘΝ ΕΚΠΑ Εκατόν πενήντα χρόνια : 1837-1987
384 OHA O'Hara, Robert C. Media for the millions : the process of mass communication, 1962
384.54 SUM Summers, Robert E. Broadcasting and the public, 1966
384.540973 CHE Chesterm Giraud Television and radio, 1971
384.540973 GRO Gross, Lynne S. Tekecommunications : an introduction to electronic media, 1988
384.55 QUI Quick, John Small-studio video tape production, 1972
384.55 SKO Skornia, Harry J. Television and society : an inquest and agenda for improvement, 1965
384.550973 WAL Walker, James R. The broadcast television industry, 1997
384.554072 BRO Dominick, Joseph R., (ed.) Broadcasting research methods, 1985
384.5563068 SNE Sneed, Laurel Evaluating video programs : is it worth it?, 1991
384.558 PRI Price, Jonathan Video-visions : a medium discovers itself, 1972
409.2 ΣΟΥ ΟΙΚ Οικονομίδου, Βάϊα Β. Χρίστος Βασιλείου Σούλης : ο οραματιστής urbi et orbi, 2016
421.5 McL McLean, Margaret Prendergast Good American speech, 1952
428.1 FLE Flesch, Rudolf The art of plain talk, 1946
428.2 DIA Diamantis, Gabriel English in printing technology, graphic design and photography
500 FUR Furnas, C.C. The next hundred years : the unfinished business of science, 1936
530.11 BAR Barbour, Julian The end of time : the next revolution in physics, 2000
570 BAK Baker, Jeffrey J.W. The study of biology, 1965
612.82 BLO Bloom, Floyd E. Brain, mind, and behavior, 1985
612.82 ECC Eccles, John C. The understanding of the brain, 1973
612.84 MAR Marr, David Vision : a computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information, 1982
616.855 PAR Parker, William R. Pathology of speech, 1951
617.7 VID Committee on Vision Viedo displays, work, and vision, 1983
621.38 ORI Oringel, Robert S. Audio control handbook, 1963
621.388 HIL Hilsman, Hoyt R. The new electronic media : innovations in viseo technologies, 1989
621.3886 KNE Knecht, Kenneth Designing & maintaining the CATV & small TV studio, 1976
621.3893 ALT Alten, Stanley Audio in media, 1994
659.102373 BAR Barry, Ann Marie The advertising portfolio : creating an effective presentation of your work, 1990
659.142 KEI Keith, Michael C. Production in format radio handbook, 1984
659.1430688 WAR Warner, Charles Broadcast and cable selling, 1986
659.193 TEL Biocca, Frank (ed.) Television and political advertising, 1991
700.973 ENG English, John W. Criticizing the critics, 1979
701.03 STU Sturken, Maria Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture, 2009
701.1 REA Read, Herbert Art and society, 1966
701.15 BLO Bloomer, Carolyn M. Principles of visual perception, 1976
701.15 GOM Gombrich, E. H. Art and illusion : a study in the psychology of pictorial representation, 1972
701.15 PER Fischer, John (ed.) Perceiving artworks, 1980
701.8 ARN Arnheim, Rudolf The power of the center : a study of composition in the visual arts, 1982
704.946 SIG Kepes, Gyorgy (ed.) Sign, image, symbol, 1966
708.949522 KAΡ Καραπαναγιώτου, Αννα Βασιλική Αρχαιολογικό μουσείο Τεγέας : οδηγός, 2017
709.2 TIL Compton, Michael Tilson, 1992
759.5 ΜΕΝ Menis, Renata Ρενάτα Μένις : καινούργια και παλιά έργα, 2017
759.9495 NIK Νικολινάκος, Μιχάλης Μιχάλης Νικολινάκος : η ζωγραφική, η εικονογράφηση και οι παράλληλες διαδρομές, 2018
759.94955 ΚΑΡ Κάρτερ, Γιώργος Οι δικοί μου της Κέρκυρας, 2009
760 JUS Jussin, Estelle Visual communication and the graphic arts : photographic technologies in the nineteenth century, 1974
771.352 RAY Ray, Sidney F. The lens in action, 1976
777 MAT Mathias, Harry Electronic cinematography : achieving photographic control over the video image, 1985
777.52 LeT LeTourneau, Tom Lighting techniques : for video production the art of casting shadows, 1986
777.52 VIE Viera, Dave Lighting : for film and electronic cinematography, 1993
778.53 MAL Malkiewicz, J. Kris Cinematograhy : a guide for film makers and film teachers, 1973
778.53 WHI Whitaker, Rod The language of film, 1970
778.5342 ROS Ross, Rodger J. Color film for color television, 1970
778.59 ALK Alkin, E.G.M. Sound with vision : sound techniques for television and film, 1973
778.59 JON Jones, Peter The technique of the television cameraman, 1971
778.59 MUR Murray, Michael The videotape book : a basic guide to portable TV production, 1975
778.59 ROB Robinson, Richard The video primer, 1974
791.4 ARN Arnheim, Rudolf Film as art, 1974
791.4 LIN Lindgren, Ernest The art of the film, 1963
791.4028 ΗΑW Hawes, William The performer in mass media : in media professions and in the community, 1978
791.43 BOB Bobker, Lee R. Elements of film, 1969
791.43 BOH Bohn, Thomas W. Light and shadows : a history of motion pictures, 1975
791.43 INT Manvell. Roger (ed.) The international encyclopedia of film, 1975
791.43015 BYW Bywater, Tim An introduction to film criticism : major critical approaches to narrative film, 1989
791.4302 COY Coynik, David Film : real to reel, 1976
791.43023 PAR Parker, Ben Creative intention : about audiovisual communication from Hollywood to John Doe, 1974
791.43023 ROW Rowlands, Avril Script continuity and the production secretary in film and TV, 1977
791.4308 MAR Marcus, Fred H. Film and literature : contrasts in media, 1971
791.4309 CAS Casty, Alan Development of the film : an interpretive history, 1973
791.430909352 HAS Haskell, Molly From reverence to rape : the treatment of women in the movies, 1975
791.430973 HIG Higham, Charles The art of the American film, 1974
791.4353 FIE Field, Stanley The mini-do*****entary- : serializing TV news, 1975
791.4353 NEW Rosenthal, Alan (ed.) New challenges for do*****entary, 1989
791.437 PRA Pratt, George C. Spellbound in darkness : a history of the silent film, 1973
791.4372 PAY Payne, J. Gregory Mayday : Kent state, 1981
791.440232 McL McLeish, Robert The technique of radio production : a manual for local broadcasters, 1978
791.443 HYD Hyde, Stuart W. Television and radio announcing, 1979
791.45 BUT Butler, Jeremy G. Television : critical methods and applications, 1994
791.45 STA Stasheff, Edward The television program : its direction and production, 1962
791.45 VID Schneider, Ira (ed.) Video art : an anthology, 1976
791.45019 BAG Baggaley, Jon Psychology of the TV image, 1980
791.4502 MIL Millerson, Gerald The technique of television production, 1961
791.450232 MAC MacRae, Donald L. Television production : an introduction, 1981
791.450232 MIL Millerson, Gerald Effective TV production, 1976
791.450232 MIT Nmitchell, Leslie Production management for television, 2009
791.450232 PRO Neacomb, Horace (ed.) The producer's medium : conversations with creators on American TV, 1983
791.450232 SMI Smith, David L. Video communication : structurinf content for maximum program effectiveness, 1990
791.450233 LEW Lewis, Colby The TV director/interpreter, 1968
791.4502330922 KUN Kuney, Jack Take one : television directors on directing, 1990
791.45025 MIL Millerson, Gerald Basic TV staging, 1974
791.450971 WOL Wolfe, Morris Jolts : the TV wasteland and the canadian oasis, 1985
791.450973 KIR Kirschner, Allen Radio and television : reading in the mass media, 1971
791.450973 TEL Adler, Richard (ed.) Television as a cultural force, 1976
791.455 COM Combes, Peter TV production for education : a systems approach, 1978
791.455 PRO Han*****, Alan (ed.) Producing educational mass media, 1976
791.45750973 KAM Kaminsky, Stuart M. American television genres, 1985
791.45750973 VAN Vande Berg, Leah R. Television criticism : approaches and applications, 1991
792.025 SEL Sellman, Hunton D. Essentials of stage lighting, 1972
792.028 McG McGraw, Charles Acting is believing : a basic method, 1966
803 ABR Abrams, M.H. A glossary of literary terms, 1981
808 RYB Rybacki, Karyn Communication criticism : approaches and genres, 1991
808.02 ALL Allen, George The graduate students' guide to theses and dissertations : a practical manual for writing and research, 1973
808.066 WIL Willis, Edgar E. Writing television and radio programs, 1967
808.06607 RIC Rich, Carole Writing and reporting news : a coaching method, 1993
808.0663021 MUL Mullins, Carolyn J. A guide to writing and publishing in the behavioral sciences, 1977
808.066791 BLU Blum, Richard A. Television writing : from concept to contract, 1980
808.066791 LEE Lee, Robert Script models : a handbook for the media writer, 1978
808.2 HIL Hilliard, Robert L. Writing for television and radio, 1990
808.23 ARM Armer, Alan A. Writing the screenplay : TV and film, 1993
808.5 BAI Baird, A. Craig Essentials of general speech, 1960
808.51 GRA Gray, Giles Wilkinson Public speaking : principles and practice, 1963
808.54 LIV Compere, Moiree (ed.) Living literature : for oral interpretation, 1949
808.545 COB Cobin, Martin Theory and technique of interpretation, 1959
808.851 INT Dow, Clude W. (ed.) An introduction to graduate study in speech and theatre, 1961
809 COO Coombes, H. Literature and criticism, 1953
889.21 ΠΑΛ Παλαμάς, Κωστής Άπαντα, 2017
901.9 MUM Mumford, Lewis The myth of the machine, 1970
907.09496 TEA Budak, Neven (ed.) Teaching contemporary southeast european history, 2016
938.3 HUS Hussey, J.M. The Byzantine world, 1961
938.3 SHE Sherrard, Philip Byzantium, 1966
938.709 ΓΟΥ ΧΡΙ Χριστοπούλου, Μαριάννα Δημήτριος Γούναρης : πολιτική βιογραφία, 2017
938.7091 KON ΜΕΡ Μερκούρης, Σταμάτης Σ. Γεώργιος Κονδύλης 1879-1936, 1954
938.71 ΧΙΛ Χατζηβασιλείου, Ευάνθης (επιμ.) 1915-2015 100 χρόνια από τον Εθνικό Διχασμό, 2018
940.1 MOS Moss, H. St. L.B. The birth of the Middle ages, 395-814, 1964
970.01 LEO Leonard, Jonathan Norton Ancient America, 1981

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