Νεοεισερχόμενοι τίτλοι βιβλίων στον κατάλογο της Βιβλιοθήκης για το χρονικό διάστημα Οκτώβριος - Δεκέμβριος 2020:
002.075 AHE |
Ahearn, Allen |
Book collecting |
005.30296 SAB |
Sabin, Gordon |
Books that made the difference |
005.432 WEL |
Welling Luke, Thomson Laura |
Ανάπτυξη web εφαρμογών με PHP και MySQL |
070.92 ROS |
Ross, Lillian |
Here but not here |
070.92 STE |
Steffens, Lincoln |
The autobiography of Lincoln Steffens |
094.4 ΕΝΑ |
- |
Ένα βιβλίο, έξι αιώνες ιστορίας |
100 GEY |
Geyl, Pieter |
Debates with historians |
128 ABR |
Abram, David, |
The spell of the sensuous |
133.90942 OPP |
Oppenheim, Janet |
The other world |
150.1952 ΦΡΕ |
Freud, Sigmund |
The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904 |
150.1954 JUN |
Jung, C. G. Carl Gustav |
Modern man in search of a soul |
194 BAB |
Babbitt, Irving |
Rousseau and romanticism |
194 MAR |
Marion, Jean-Luc |
The idol and distance |
260.6 BAI |
Bainton, Roland H. |
The Reformation of the sixteenth century |
291 SMI |
Smith, Huston |
The world's religions |
291.211 JAM |
James, E. O. (Edwin Oliver) |
The Cult of the mother-goddess |
292.08 ΜΗΤ |
Μήττα, Δήμητρα, Σουέρεφ Κώστας |
Μυστήρια των μεγάλων θεών και των Καβείρων |
292.13 ΠΟΥ |
Πουλάκη, Έφη |
Μούσες, Ολυμπιάδες-Πιερίδες |
301.0973 DEG |
Degler, Carl N. |
At odds |
301.1832 BUR |
- |
Bureaucracy in historical perspective |
301.362 WAR |
Warner, Sam Bass |
Streetcar suburbs |
301.45 HIG |
Higham, John |
Strangers in the land |
301.6330973 NEW |
- |
The New American revolution |
301.938 HOR |
Horner, Tom |
Eros in Greece |
303.4 HOF |
Hoffer, Eric |
The ordeal of change |
304.23 HIS |
Hiss, Tony |
The experience of place |
305.230942 HAR |
Hartcup, Adeline |
Children of the great country houses |
305.2350973 GOO |
Goodman, Paul |
Growing up absurd |
305.26 BLY |
Blythe, Ronald |
The view in winter |
305.40938 POM |
Pomeroy, Sarah B. |
Goddesses, whores, wives, and slaves |
305.42 LEN |
Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich |
Για τη χειραφέτηση των γυναικών |
305.568 ΑΡΝ |
Αρνέλλος, Σεβαστιανός |
Ο Υπόκοσμος της παλιάς Αθήνας |
305.800973 KIN |
King, Desmond S. |
The liberty of strangers |
306 BEN |
Benedict, Ruth |
Patterns of culture |
306.0973 LEV |
Levine, Lawrence W. |
Highbrow/lowbrow |
306.810941 ROS |
Rose, Phyllis |
Parallel lives |
306.850972 LEW |
Lewis, Oscar |
The children of Sanchez |
307.764 HOO |
Hoover, Edgar M. |
Anatomy of a metropolis |
309.1504 WIL |
Wilson, Dick |
Asia awakes |
309.173 AGE |
- |
The age of the economic revolution |
320.5 SAW |
Saw, Bernard |
Τα κοινωνικά συστήματα |
320.520924 WIL |
Wills, Garry |
Confessions of a conservative |
320.9495 ΡΑΛ |
Ράλλης, Γεώργιος Ι. |
Με ήσυχη τη συνείδηση |
320.973 HOF |
Hofstadter, Richard |
The paranoid style in American politics, and other essays |
321.040094 ΤΣΑ |
Τσάτσος, Κωνσταντίνος Δημ. |
La Grece et l' Europe |
321.9 MAR |
Marchais, Georges |
Le Defi Democratique |
325 DAV |
Davie, Maurice R. (Maurice Rea) |
World immigration |
327.07 ΠΛΑ |
Πλάτων |
The laws of Plato |
327.420495 ΚΑΡ |
Καρούζου, Εύη |
Εθνικές γαίες, εθνικά δάνεια και εθνική κυριαρχία |
327.495 ΣΒ0 |
Σβολόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος Δ. |
Ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική |
327.51 AST |
Astafiev, Victor |
Η εξωτερική πολιτική της Κίνας |
327.51073 FAI |
Fairbank, John King |
The United States and China |
327.73 FUL |
Fulbright, J. William (James William) |
The arrogance of power |
327.73 STR |
- |
Struggle against history |
330 GAL |
John Kenneth Galbraith and Nicole Salinger |
Almost everyoneʹs guide to economics |
330.01 ΠΑΝ |
Παναγιωτόπουλος, Νικόλαος |
Οικονομική ανάπτυξη και ευτυχία των πολιτών |
330.904 TAR |
Tortella Casares, Gabriel |
Los orígenes del siglo XXI |
330.9042 LEO |
Leont'ev, L. A. Lev Abramovich |
Πολιτική οικονομία |
330.973 REG |
Harvey S. Perloff ... [et a.]. |
Regions, resources, and economic growth |
330.97305 GAT |
Gates, Paul Wallace |
The farmer's age |
335.00973 NOY |
Noyes, John Humphrey |
Strange cults and utopias of 19th-century America |
335.00973 WEI |
Weinstein, James |
The decline of socialism in America |
335.4 FOS |
Foster, William |
Ιστορία των τριών διεθνών |
335.4112 MAR |
Marx, Karl |
Η αγία οικογένεια |
335.43 MON |
Mondrzhinskaia, Elena Dmitrievna |
Λενινισμός και η μάχη των ιδεών |
335.430924 MIT |
Mitford, Jessica |
A fine old conflict |
337.0973 TAU |
Taussig, F. W. |
The Tariff history of the United States |
338.0973 BRU |
Bruchey, Stuart Weems |
The roots of American economic growth, 1607-1861 |
338.76655 TAR |
Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva), |
The history of the Standard Oil Company |
338.926 HEA |
Headrick, Daniel R |
The tentacles of progress |
339.22 PHI |
Phillips, Kevin |
The politics of rich and poor |
342.73024 CON |
- |
The Constitution of the United States of America, with the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. |
343.3 GRE |
- |
The great purge trial |
352.23 FEL |
- |
Fellow citizens |
355.6 ΣΥΝ |
Συνέδριο Οικονομικού Σώματος Στρατού Ξηράς (2ο : 2019 : Αθήνα, Ελλάδα) |
Πρακτικά 2ου Συνεδρίου Οικονομικού Σώματος Στρατού Ξηράς |
362.109422 PET |
Peterson, M. Jeanne (Mildred Jeanne) |
The medical profession in mid-Victorian London |
370.1 ΠΥΡ |
Πυργιωτάκης, Ιωάννης Ε. |
Εισαγωγή στην παιδαγωγική επιστήμη |
370.11 ΑΝΘ |
Ανθρωπιστικές σπουδές-Φιλοσοφικές σχολές |
370.115 ΑΡΙ |
Αριστοτέλειο Παν/μιο Θεσσαλονίκης |
Σύγχρονα παγκόσμια προβλήματα και η ευθύνη του επιστήμονα |
370.1523 ILL |
Illeris, Knud |
Ο τρόπος που μαθαίνουμε |
370.193097471 RAV |
Ravitch, Diane |
The great school wars |
393.09495 DAN |
Danforth, Loring M. |
The death rituals of rural Greece |
411.7 ΠΑΠ |
Παπαδόπουλος, Γεώργιος Χ. |
Από την ιστορία ενός σύμμεικτου βιβλίου και τη γραφή μιας χειρόγραφης φυλλάδας |
485 ΔΑΛ |
Δάλκος, Χρίστος |
Συντακτικό της αρχαίας ελληνικής σε κωμικογραφήματα |
494.355 LEW |
Lewis, Geoffrey L. |
Turkish |
519.21 PAP |
Papoulis, Athanasios |
Πιθανότητες, τυχαίες μεταβλητές & στοχαστικές διαδικασίες |
569.9 JOH |
Johanson, Donald C |
Lucy, the beginnings of humankind |
573.2 EIS |
Eiseley, Loren C. |
The immense journey |
578.7 GRE |
Gregg, Josiah |
Commerce of the prairies 2 τ. |
581.6109 HOB |
Hobhouse, Henry |
Seeds of change |
634.63 ΕΛΙ |
Ελιά και λάδι στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο |
658 ΤΖΩ |
Τζωρτζάκης, Κωνσταντίνος Μ. |
Οργάνωση & διοίκηση |
700.8931079494 BAH |
Bahr, Ehrhard |
Weimar on the Pacific |
704.9482094953 ΣΚΕ |
- |
Σκευοφυλάκιο Μονής Ελεούσας στο Νησί των Ιωαννίνων |
709 ΓΡΗ |
Γρηγοράκης, Νίκος |
Τέχνη & ιστορία |
709.38 NEE |
Neer, Richard T. |
Τέχνη & αρχαιολογία του ελληνικού κόσμου |
709.3807449512 ΓΚΑ |
Γκαδόλου Αναστασία, Καββαδίας Γιώργος |
Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο |
709.495 ΓΡΗ |
Γρηγοράκης, Νίκος |
Μάρκος Ζαβιτσιάνος (1884-1923) |
709.495303 ΜΕΤ |
- |
Μεταβυζαντινά μνημεία Κληματιάς |
712.50946 SEG |
Segall, Barbara |
The garden lover's guide to Spain and Portugal |
725.1809382 ΟΧΥ |
- |
Ο οχυρωμένος οικισμός στον λόφο Καστρί του Μεγάλου Γαρδικίου |
725.822 ΑΡΧ |
- |
Αρχαία θέατρα της Ηπείρου |
728.81094953 ΚΑΣ |
- |
Το κάστρο των Ιωαννίνων |
728.81094953 ΝΑΚ |
Νάκου, Βασιλική |
Το Κάστρο των Ιωαννίνων |
730.9366074747 IBE |
Hibbs, Vivian A. |
Iberian antiquities from the collection of Leon Levy and Shelby White |
733.3 ΜΑΤ |
Μάτσας, Δημήτρης |
Η Νίκη της Σαμοθράκης |
737.4938 ΕΥΡ |
Πολυξένη Αδάμ-Βελένη ... [κ.ά.] |
Η Ευρώπη της Ελλάδος |
737.4938 ΚΕΡ |
- |
Κερμάτια φιλίας |
737.49381 ΜΕΓ |
- |
Μέγας Αλέξανδρος |
738.309381 ΕΛΛ |
- |
Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τη Μακεδονία |
748.2094531 VET |
- |
Vetri veneziani dal rinascimento allʹ Ottocento |
755.2094953 ΖΑΡ |
Ζάρρα, Ιλιάνα |
Ιωάννινα |
759.24245092 EDW |
- |
The Edwardian lady |
769.9495 ΓΡΗ |
Γρηγοράκης, Νίκος |
Λυκούργος Κογεβίνας (1887-1940) |
784.40609495 FRY |
Frye, Ellen. |
The marble threshing floor |
784.8094951 ΛΥΜ |
Λυμπέρης, Ιωάννης Γ. |
Φιλαρμονική Κερατέας |
791.4302330924 NIZ |
Nizhniĭ, V. (Vladimir) |
Lessons with Eisenstein |
792.015 SCH |
Schechner, Richard |
Public domain |
792.028092 OLI |
Olivier, Laurence |
Confessions of an actor |
792.0280924 MYD |
- |
My dear one' |
792.9 CLA |
Clay, James Hubert |
The theatrical image |
794.73 MAR |
Martin, Ray and Reeves, Rosser |
The 99 critical shots in pool |
802 QUI |
- |
The New York review quiz book |
808 FLE |
Flesch, Rudolf |
The art of readable writing |
808 WRI |
- |
Writers at work |
808.02 UEL |
Ueland, Brenda |
If you want to write |
808.042 LEV |
Levin, Gerald Henry |
Styles for writing |
808.2 HEN |
Henn, Thomas Rice |
The harvest of tragedy |
808.81 NEW |
- |
New poets of England and America |
809 BLO |
Bloom, Edward Alan |
The order of fiction |
809.04 WIL |
Wilson, Edmund |
Axel's castle |
809.3 REA |
- |
Realism and romanticism in fiction |
809.33332 MOR |
Moretti, Franco |
Atlas of the european novel |
810.1 GAI |
Gaines, James R. |
Wit's end |
810.109 FIF |
15 Canadian poets plus 5 |
810.1092 GIL |
Gill, Brendan, |
Here at the New Yorker |
810.1092 KAZ |
Kazin, Alfred |
New York Jew |
810.11 AND |
Anderson, Sherwood |
Winesburg, Ohio |
810.11 CAT |
Cather, Willa |
Not under forty |
810.11 CHE |
Cheever, John |
Oh, what a paradise it seems |
810.11 CHI |
Chigounis, Evans |
Secret lives |
810.11 FAU |
Faulkner, William |
The Reivers |
810.11 GRA |
Grant, Judith Skelton |
Robertson Davies |
810.11 LOW |
Lowry, Malcolm |
Hear us O Lord, from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place |
810.11 MEL |
Mellow, James R. |
Charmed circle |
810.11 PLU |
Plutzik, Hyam |
Apples from Shinar |
810.11 BUR |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson |
The one I knew the best of all |
810.11 DIC |
Dickey, James |
Drowning with others |
810.11 REX |
Rexroth, Kenneth |
Bird in the bush |
810.11 ROT |
Roth, Philip |
My life as a man |
820.1 BUS |
Bush, Douglas |
Mythology and the romantic tradition in English poetry |
820.1 HOL |
Holmes, Richard |
Sidetracks |
820.1 KAR |
Karl, Frederick R. (Frederick Robert) |
A reader's guide to the contemporary English novel |
820.1092 ANA |
Anand, Mulk Raj |
Conversations in Bloomsbury |
820.1092 BRO |
Lehmann, John |
The strange destiny of Rupert Brooke |
820.1092 COH |
Cohen, Morton N. |
Lewis Carroll |
820.11 ACK |
Ackroyd, Peter |
Chatterton |
820.11 AUE |
Auerbach, Nina |
Woman and the demon |
820.11 BAR |
Barry, Sebastian |
The secret scripture |
820.11 BAR |
Barker, Nicola |
Darkmans |
820.11 FIT |
Fitzgerald, Penelope. |
The bookshop |
820.11 FOU |
Fouquet, Claude |
Ιουλιανός |
820.11 GRA |
Graves, Robert |
Mammon and the black goddess |
820.11 GRA |
Graves, Robert |
The white goddess |
820.11 GRE |
Gregory, Philippa |
The favoured child |
820.11 GRE |
Greene, Graham |
Monsignor Quixote |
820.11 HAR WOO |
Harper, Howard M. |
Between language and silence |
820.11 HEG |
Hegi Ursula |
Intrusions |
820.11 LEH |
Lehmann, Rosamond |
A note in music |
820.11 MAN |
Marnham, Patrick |
Wild Mary |
820.11 MID |
- |
The mid-century English poetry 1940-60 |
820.11 MOR |
Mortimer, Penelope |
About time |
820.11 MOR |
Morton Kate |
The forgotten garden |
820.11 PAR |
- |
The Faber book of parodies |
820.11 SMI |
Smith, Logan Pearsall |
All trivia |
820.11 SMI |
Smith, Logan Pearsall |
A chime of words |
820.11 STE |
Stephen, Leslie |
Mausoleum book |
820.11 SWI |
Swift, Graham |
Waterland |
820.11 SWI |
Swift, Graham |
Shuttlecock |
820.11 TOL |
Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel) |
The Silmarillion |
820.11 UNS |
Unsworth, Barry |
Morality play |
820.11 WAR |
Warner, Sylvia Townsend |
Kingdoms of Elfin |
820.11 WAR |
Warner, Sylvia Townsend |
Scenes of childhood |
820.11 ΝΙΝ |
- |
Nineteenth century minor poets |
820.11 COM |
Compton-Burnett, I. (Ivy) |
Brothers and sisters |
820.11 GOR |
Gordimer, Nadine |
Get a life |
820.11 LAN |
Lane, Margaret |
The Brontë story |
820.11 SHA |
Shamsie, Kamila |
Burnt shadows |
820.11SMI |
Smith, Stevie |
Novel on yellow paper |
830.11 SPE |
Spengler, Tilman |
Lenin's brain |
830.11 WIL |
Willett, John |
The theatre of Bertolt Brecht |
830.11 ΜΑΝ |
Mann, Thomas |
Stories of three decades |
830.11 MUS |
Musil, Robert |
Young Törless |
830.11 SEB |
Sebald, W. G. (Winfried Georg) |
Vertigo |
839.31 NOO |
Nooteboom, Cees |
In the dutch mountains |
839.3111 NOT |
Nooteboom, Cees |
Roads to Santiago |
839.7092 FRI |
Frisch, Max |
Montauk |
839.81 DIN |
Dinesen, Isak |
The angelic avengers |
839.82 DIN |
Dinesen, Isak |
Carnival |
840.21 HUG |
Hugo, Victor |
Les miserables |
840.21 LEV |
Lenski, B. A. (Branko Alan) |
Jean Anouilh |
840.21 PRO |
Proust, Marcel |
Within a budding grove |
840.21 WIE |
Wiesel, Marion |
Zalmen, or, The madness of God |
850.11 TAB |
Tabucchi, Antonio |
Little misunderstandings of no importance |
860.11 CAM |
Camõens, Luis de |
The Lusiads |
860.11 QUE |
Queirós, Eça de |
The relic |
860.11 SEM |
Semprun, Jorge |
The second death of Ramón Mercader |
860.11 UNA |
Unamuno, Miguel de |
Our lord Don Quixote |
869 McC |
McCall Smith, Alexander |
Portuguese irregular verbs |
869.11 CAS |
Castro, Ferreira de |
Emigrants |
880.11 OCO |
O'Connor, Flannery |
The habit of being |
880.11 ΗΟΜ |
Homer |
The Iliad of Homer |
889.1 DIG |
Hull, Denison B |
Digenis Akritas |
889.12092 THA |
Thaniel, George |
Homage to Byzantium |
889.15 ΣΕΡ |
Σέργη, Γιάννα Β. |
Νεοελληνικά λαϊκά ναναρίσματα και ταχταρίσματα |
889.2 DOU |
Doulis, Thomas |
Disaster and fiction |
889.2 POE |
Poems from the Greek anthology |
889.2092 ΑΡΧ |
- |
Αρχαιότητα,παράδοση και υπερρεαλισμός στον Νίκο Εγγονοπουλου |
891.709 CHE MAL |
Malcolm, Janet |
Reading Chekhov |
891.721 GOR |
Gorky, Maksim |
The Artamonov business |
891.8521 GOM |
Gombrowicz, Witold |
Pornografia |
891.8521 GOM |
Gombrowicz, Witold |
Trans-Atlantyk |
894.321 ORG |
Orga, Irfan |
Στην ακτή του Βοσπόρου |
894.511334 MAR |
Márai, Sándor |
Embers |
909.04924 DAL |
Dalven, Rae |
The Jews of Ioannina |
909.04924 TCH |
Tcherikover, Victor |
Hellenistic civilization and the jews |
909.82 JOH |
Johnson, Paul |
Modern times |
913.37 BRO |
Brown, Peter |
The world of late antiquity ad 150-750 |
914.58 KUB |
Kubly, Herbert |
Easter in Sicily |
914.953 ΠΑΠ |
Παπαδοπούλου, Βαρβάρα Ν. |
Ουζντίνα |
914.96 FER |
Fermor, Patrick Leigh |
Between the woods and the water |
915.1035 BLO |
Bloodworth, Dennis. |
The Chinese looking glass |
915.10451 TER |
Terrill, Ross |
800,000,000: the real China |
915.61 GLA |
Glazebrook, Philip |
Journey to Kars |
915.69440448 BEL |
Bellow, Saul |
To Jerusalem and back |
917.3 ANT |
Antin, Mary |
The promised land |
917.4710443 WPA |
- |
The WPA guide to New York City |
917.8042 AMB |
Ambrose, Stephen E. |
Undaunted courage |
920.02 FAL |
Fallaci, Oriana |
Interview with history |
920.72 REV |
Revelations |
922.245 MAZ |
Mazzucchelli, Mario |
The nun of Monza |
928.2 ACT |
Acton, Harold |
Memoirs of an aesthete |
928.2 THO |
Thomas, Dylan |
Portrait of the artist as a young dog |
930.1 ΖΩΗ |
Ζώης, Αντώνης Α. |
Μαθήματα αρχαιολογίας |
937.604 BAD |
Badian, E. |
Roman imperialism in the late republic |
938 CAR |
Cartledge, Paul |
The Greeks |
938 ROB |
Robinson, Cyril E. |
Hellas |
938.12 ΣΩΤ |
- |
Σωτήρης Ι. Δάκαρης |
938.12 ΔΗΜ |
Δημητρακοπούλου, Πολυξένη |
Τον κόσμον όλον ού ψηφά το κάστρο των Γιαννίνων |
938.12 ΔΩΔ |
- |
Δωδώνη : το μαντείο των ήχων |
938.184 ΠΥΡ |
- |
Πύρρος : Βασιλεύς Ηγήτωρ |
938.21 ZAX |
Ζάχος, Κωνσταντίνος Λ. |
Το θέατρο της Νικόπολης |
938.21 ZAX |
Ζάχος, Κωνσταντίνος Λ. |
Αρχαιολογικός οδηγός Νικόπολης |
938.21 ΑΔΑ |
Αδάμ-Βελένη, Πολυξένη |
Πέτρες Φλώρινας |
938.21 ΖΑΧ |
Ζάχος, Κωνσταντίνος Λ. |
Οι νεκροπόλεις της Νικόπολης |
938.21 ΝΙΚ |
Νικόπολη |
938.21 ΠΑΠ |
Παπαδοπούλου, Βαρβάρα Ν. |
H Βασιλική Β της Νικόπολης |
938.21 ΠΑΥ |
Παυλίδης, Ευάγγελος Α. |
Νικόπολη |
938.21 ΣΟΥ |
Σουέρεφ, Κώστας |
Μυκηναϊκές μαρτυρίες από την Ηπειρο |
938.21 ΧΑΛ |
Χαλκιά, Ευγενία |
H Βασιλική Δ της Νικόπολης |
938.21 ΩΔΕ |
Ζάχος Κωνσταντίνος Λ. ... [και ά.] |
Το ωδείο της Νικόπολης |
938.213 ΧΟΥ |
Χουρμουζιάδης, Γιώργος Χαρ. |
Δισπηλιό |
938.32 HED |
Head, Constance |
Justinian II of Byzantium |
938.5 ΚΑΤ |
Κατσούλης, Γιώργης Δ. |
Το Κατεστημένο στη νεοελληνική ιστορία |
938.5 ΦΩΤ |
Φωτόπουλος, Αθανάσιος Θ. |
Ιστοριογραφικά της επαναστάσεως του 1821 |
938.52 ΚΟΥ |
Κουτής, Ξενοφών |
Από την Αθαμανία στ' Άγραφα |
938.572 WOO |
Woodhouse, C. M. |
Capodistria |
938.7 ΛΕΟ |
Λεονταρίτης, Γεώργιος Α. |
Ανάμεσα στα δύο άκρα |
938.747 ΜΑΝ |
Μανούσακας, Γιάννης |
Ακροναυπλία |
938.783 GEN |
Genevoix, Maurice |
The Greece of Karamanlis |
938.941 ΦΛΩ |
- |
Η Φλώρινα και η περιοχή της |
938.96 ΚΑΡ |
Καρπούζης, Νικόλαος Ξ. |
Άνθιμος Μαζαράκης, 1801-1868 |
938.985 BLA |
Blanc, Pierre |
Ο διαμελισμός της Κύπρου |
939.534 KOC |
Koch, Guntram |
Albanien |
940 HOW |
Howard, Michael |
War in European history |
940.17 OLD |
Oldenbourg, Zoe |
The Crusades |
940.21 FER |
Ferguson, Wallace K. |
The renaissance |
940.3 FIR |
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The First World War |
942 CHU |
Churchill, Winston |
A History of the English-speaking peoples |
942.085092 BEH |
Behrens, T. |
The monument |
942.257 CHA |
Quentin Bell ... [et al.] |
Charleston |
944.033 LEW |
Lewis, W. H. (Warren Hamilton) |
The splendid century |
944.04 CON |
Connelly, Owen |
French Revolution/Napoleonic era |
944.07 MAR |
Marx, Karl |
The eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte |
945.092 GIN |
Ginsborg, Paul |
A history of contemporary Italy |
945.31 MOR |
Morris, Jan |
The Venetian Empire |
946 JUL |
Juliá, Santos |
Hoy no es ayer |
946.0826 SPA |
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Spain transformed |
947.084 MAR |
Martens, Ludo |
Μια άλλη ματιά στον Στάλιν |
947.084092 PIP |
Pipes, Richard |
Vixi |
949.5070924 FRE |
Frederica, Queen, consort of Paul, |
A Measure of understanding |
949.55 ΑΡΒ |
Αρβανιτάκης, Δημήτρης Δ. |
Η αγωγή του πολίτη |
949.6 DOR |
Dordevic Dimitrije, Fischer-Galati, Stephen A. |
The Balkan revolutionary tradition |
951.05092 MOR |
Moravia, Alberto |
The Red book and the Great Wall |
952.025 KEE |
Keene, Donald |
The japanese discovery of Europe, 1720-1830 |
952.1864048 IYE |
Iyer, Pico |
The lady and the monk |
956.02092 HOW |
Howell, Georgina |
Gertrude Bell |
956.1 DEV |
Devrim, Shirin |
A Turkish tapestry |
956.101 EVI |
Evilyā, efendi |
In the days of the Janissaries |
967.62 DIN |
Dinesen, Isak |
Out of Africa |
973 BRU |
Bruckberger, R.-L. (Raymond-Leopold) |
Image of America |
973 NEV |
Nevins, Allan |
A short history of the United States |
973.0496073 GOL |
Goldston, Robert |
Η επανάσταση των νέγρων |
973.0496073 SYN |
Synnestvedt, Sig |
The white response to Black emancipation |
973.3 WRI |
Wright, Esmond |
Fabric of freedom |
973.5 DAN |
Dangerfield, George |
The awakening of American nationalism, 1815-1828 |
973.9 REF |
Coben, Stanley |
Reform, war, and reaction: 1912-1932 |
973.924 WIL |
Wills, Garry |
Nixon agonistes |
974.71 BRO |
Brook, Stephen |
New York days, New York nights |
979.4 CLE |
Cleland Robert Glass |
From wilderness to Empire |
980 BUR |
Burns, E. Bradford |
Latin America |
980.02 LYN |
Lynch, John |
The Spanish American revolutions, 1808-1826 |
KB 938.17 BUR |
Bury, J. B. |
A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great |
ΒΑΝ 610.285 ΑΠΟ |
Αποστολάκης Ιωάννης, Βαρλάμης Ηρακλής |
Πληροφοριακά συστήματα υγείας |
ΚΒ 330.12 SHA |
Shaw, Bernard |
The intelligent womanʹs guide to socialism, capitalism, sovietism and fascism |
ΚΒ 769.9495 ΓΡΗ |
Γρηγοράκης, Νίκος |
Άμπελος και οίνος |
ΚΒ 820.11 SMO |
Smollett, T. (Tobias) |
The expedition of Humphry Clinker |
ΚΒ 938.676 DAY |
Day, Henry C. |
Macedonian memories |
ΚΒ 938.68 BAL |
Baldwin, Herbert F. |
A war photographer in Thrace |
ΚΒ 940.42750924 SAN |
Sandes, Flora |
An English woman-sergeant in the Serbian army |
Π 292.1303 STA |
Stapleton, Michael |
The Hamlyn concise dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology |
Π 423 COL |
Collins /Cobuild advanced learner's dictionary |
Π 423.89 COL |
Collins English Greek Dictionary |
Π 489.33 ΖΑΧ |
Ζάχος, Εμμανουήλ |
Λεξικό της πιάτσας |
Π 489.382421 PAP |
Pappageotes, George Christos |
Modern Greek in 20 lessons |